View Full Version : Archive of Past Forum Posts - GAGB Elections

  1. Past Committee Members (and Founding Members)
  2. Candidates for 2012/2013 committee elections
  3. Committee Candidates Q&A (2012/2013)
  4. Anitpathy to the GAGB
  5. Open Management for the Committee
  6. Donations
  7. What would GAGB members want from the new committee
  8. 'non-social' cachers
  9. Guideline management
  10. What is the GAGB
  11. Management of the Committee
  12. Move forward.
  13. Priorities
  14. The furure
  15. Committee Roles
  16. ♿- Disabled Cacher - handicaching
  17. break my silence
  18. What is the purpose of the Q & A section?
  19. How often should our committee meet?
  20. Enthusiasm!?
  21. I, Us or We?
  22. I'm out.
  23. What will change ?
  24. GAGB Committee Election Process
  25. Summing Up
  26. Elections
  27. 2012/2013 GAGB Committee Election Results
  28. Standing Down
  29. GAGB Executive Committee (2013/2014) - Election dates
  30. Nominations for Chairman 2013/14
  31. Chairman Candidates (2013/2014) - Q&A
  32. Candidates for 2013/2014 Chairman elections
  33. 2013/14 GAGB Chairman Election Results
  34. Not standing for re-election
  35. Nominations for Committee members 2013/14
  36. Committee Candidates (2013/2014) - Q&A
  37. Candidates for 2013/2014 Committee elections
  38. Question 1 (Spread the word, Raise the profile)
  39. Question for candidates (Regional Facebook groups)
  40. Another question for the candidates (Mega events)
  41. Question 4 (Committee Roles)
  42. Candidates views on the "minor" listing sites
  43. Question 6 (Advice for new cachers)
  44. Question for candidates - Geocaching, a sport or a hobby?
  45. Question for candidates (GAGB website)
  46. Question - What did you do last year?
  47. New Question (Extreme caching)
  48. Question for the New Committee (Commerical Business links)
  49. Dealing with breaches of data safety
  50. Question for Candidates - term of office?
  51. Question for the Candidates
  52. Question for candidates - Acting as GAGB spokesmen with the press
  53. question for candidates (UK/Ireland geographical coverage)
  54. Question for candidates.."GLAD"
  55. Question for the candidates (Strength & Weakness)
  56. No question
  57. 2013/14 GAGB Committee Election Results
  58. GAGB Exectutive Committee (2014/2015) - Election dates
  59. General discussion thread about 2014/2015 elections
  60. 2014/2015 GAGB Chairman Nominations
  61. Nominations for Committee Members 2014/2015
  62. Committee Candidates (2014/2015) - Q&A
  63. Candidate Manifestos for 2014/2015 Committee Election
  64. Q1 Candidates - Encouraging new GAGB members
  65. Question 2 - Roles within the Committee
  66. Question 3. What's your local profile like?
  67. Question 4 - Business Interests
  68. Question 5 - Top Priorities for the year ahead
  69. A Question for the Chairman and Returning Officer
  70. Can't find the email about voting in the Committe election
  71. 2014/15 GAGB Committee Election Results
  72. GAGB Executive Committee (2015/2016) - Election dates
  73. 2015/2016 GAGB Chairman Nominations
  74. Nominations for Committee Members 2015/2016
  75. Committee Candidates (2015/2016) - Q&A
  76. Candidate Manifestos for 2015/2016 Committee Election
  77. Question 1 - Roles within the committee
  78. Question 2 - GAGB awareness
  79. Question 3 - Changing Attitude
  80. Question 4 - Social Media
  81. Question 5 - Team work & Time commitment
  82. Question 6 - For the new candidates
  83. 2015/16 Committee Election Ballots Sent
  84. Question 7 - Commitment to the job
  85. Q8 - Disillusioned members
  86. Question 9 - Do GAGB require a bigger committee?
  87. 2015/16 GAGB Committee Election Results
  88. GAGB Executive Committee (2016/2017) - Election dates
  89. 2016/2017 GAGB Chair Nominations
  90. Nominations for Committee Members 2016/2017
  91. 2017/18 - Election dates?
  92. GAGB Executive Committee (2017/2018) - Election Dates
  93. 2017/2018 GAGB Chair Nominations
  94. Nominations for Committee Members 2017/2018
  95. Candidate Manifestos for 2017/2018 Committee Election
  96. Committee Candidates (2017/2018) - Q&A
  97. Question 1 - Roles within the Committee
  98. Question 2: How would you engage new members to join the GAGB
  99. Question 3: GAGB Annual weekend
  100. Question 4: What would be your Fundraising Ideas for the GAGB if elected?
  101. Question 5: How do you think you can make a difference to GAGB?
  102. Question 6 GAGB Code of conduct
  103. Question 8: Secretary role/commitment
  104. Question 7: Sub Committees
  105. Question 9: Time & Commitment
  106. Question 10: How will you make existing members feel valued and make them feel heard
  107. Question 11: Communicating with Landowners and Authorities
  108. Commitment to GAGB...
  109. Question 12: Accountability and doing what you say you'll do
  110. Question 13: Making the GAGB attractive to cahers outside of the South of England
  111. Question 14 - The future of GAGB? Your ideal vision?
  112. 2017/18 Committee Election Ballots Sent
  113. 2017/18 GAGB Committee Election Results
  114. Congrats
  115. 2018/2019 GAGB Executive Committee Elections
  116. 2018/2019 GAGB Chair Nominations
  117. Thanks
  118. Nominations for Committee Members 2018/2019
  119. Committee Manifestos for 2018/2019 Committee Election
  120. 2019/2020 GAGB Executive Committee Elections
  121. Nominations for Committee Members 2019/2020
  122. Candidate Manifestos for 2019/2020 Committee Election
  123. Committee Candidates (2019/2020) - Q&A
  124. Question 1: What skills can you bring to the GAGB
  125. Question 2: What would you like to improve or change in the GAGB?
  126. Question 3: GLAD Manager/s
  127. Question 4: Who (else) contributes the most?
  128. Question 5: If elected what would you do to improve the GAGB publicity officers job?
  129. Question 6: Seeker articles
  130. Question 7: Other 'location based' activities...
  131. Question 8: Roles within the Committee
  132. 2019/20 GAGB Committee Election Results
  133. 2020/2021 GAGB Chair & Executive Committee Elections
  134. 2020/2022 GAGB Chair Nominations
  135. Chair Manifesto
  136. 2020/2021 Nominations for Committee Members
  137. Committee roles
  138. 2021/2022 GAGB Chair & Executive Committee Elections
  139. 2021/2023 GAGB Chair Nominations
  140. 2021-2022 Nominations for Committee Members
  141. 2022/2023 GAGB Executive Committee Election
  142. 2022/2023 Nominations for Committee Members
  143. 2022/2023 Election to fill Committee Vacancies
  144. 2022/2023 Nominations to fill Committee Vacancies
  145. 2023/2024 GAGB Executive Committee Elections
  146. 2023/2024 Nominations for GAGB Chair
  147. Thanks
  148. 2023/2024 Nominations for Committee Members