View Full Version : UK Mega Event 2008
Lydford Locators
14th July 2008, 10:12 PM
As most of you are probably aware, when the idea of a UK Mega Event was first mooted, some Wiltshire cachers suggested that they might be able to host a Mega Event.
Unfortunately the proposed venue will not be available and despite much discussion on the subject a suitable alternative could not be found. This means that a Wiltshire Mega Event is NOT being planned for 2009 and the way is therefore clear should any other interested parties wish to take up the challenge. :eek:
For anyone thinking of organising a future UK Mega Event - Robin of the Harrogate Hunters offers his personal help.
Bear and Ragged
14th July 2008, 10:55 PM
I think it should be a "South" event though, to give others a chance of attending.
(Even though Harrogate is 'do able' for me.)
15th July 2008, 06:57 AM
Just curious which venue was not available? I'm sure someone might be able to think of an alternative. Feel free to use this thread as a discussion point everyone.
Lydford Locators
15th July 2008, 07:51 AM
Just curious which venue was not available? I'm sure someone might be able to think of an alternative. Feel free to use this thread as a discussion point everyone.
It was the Swindon Science Museum that appeared to be the "perfect venue", we hope that it may become available sometime, but it won't be the foreseeable future.
At this time the Wiltshire cachers who first thought they'd host a Mega Event have stepped down, so the baton is well and truly available to any other cacher(s) who want(s) it! :ohmy:
The Phillimore Clan
15th July 2008, 08:05 AM
I'm told by a non-caching acquaintance that Billing Aquadrome near Northampton is an ideal venue for this type of event. It is purpose made for large organised rallies and is used by many car and caravan clubs for there annual meets. No idea of costs or availability (often booked more than a year in advance I'm told) but may be worth a look. And before anyone suggests it, no I'm not volunteering :p as we are likely to be moving home around this time next year :(. I would certainly be more than willing to lend a hand though.
15th July 2008, 09:42 AM
I'm told by a non-caching acquaintance that Billing Aquadrome near Northampton is an ideal venue for this type of event. It is purpose made for large organised rallies and is used by many car and caravan clubs for there annual meets. No idea of costs or availability (often booked more than a year in advance I'm told) but may be worth a look. And before anyone suggests it, no I'm not volunteering :p as we are likely to be moving home around this time next year :(. I would certainly be more than willing to lend a hand though.
:applause: I camped there last year, it is MASSIVE and would easily cope with a mega event:socool:
15th July 2008, 01:28 PM
Rather than face the headache of organising one event that hopes to attract 500 people, why not split it down into 5 events that could each get 100 people to attend - all spaced around a central point….
For example ;)
Camping events near Swindon, Reading, Cheltenham, Milton Keynes and Coventry – with a single central event on Sunday somewhere on the Otmoor Ring (for example only – people could park wherever, walk the ring, find the caches, and sign the log on the way past the event – which could be as simple as a picnic blanket on a bench……)
Brenin Tegeingl
16th July 2008, 02:41 AM
Rather than face the headache of organising one event that hopes to attract 500 people,
Which is exactly what a Mega Event is all about, otherwise it's not a Mega Event
with a single central event on Sunday somewhere on the Otmoor Ring (for example only people could park wherever, walk the ring, find the caches, and sign the log on the way past the event which could be as simple as a picnic blanket on a bench
)Which I'd personally refuse to publish, as it would just be part of a organised cache hunt. The whole point of a event is to allow those attending to socialise with each other. Another reason being it would basically be a 10 second event repeated , 500 times.
Any attempt to devalue Mega Events could see Groundspeak raise the bar, and set a level of 1,000 or more attendee's. Mega events are under constant review to insure that to earn Mega status is a huge challenge.
16th July 2008, 06:49 AM
The point of having it split into smaller events first was to get 500 people in the general area - whether that be 40 miles north, south, east or west of the mega. That, as I see it, is the biggest problem.
The second (or fifth, or sixth) event on the sunday could be no different than any other picnic event in a cache rich area.... which don't seem to have any difficulty in getting published.
As for it being a 10 second event repeated 500 times....well, there will always be those people who turn up at an event for 10 seconds just to sign the logbook before disappearing to do any new caches - never to return... Is everybody going to Harrogate this year planning to spend the whole day at the hotel?
Brenin Tegeingl
17th July 2008, 04:32 PM
Sorry but you seem to have missed the whole point of Mega events. Their aim is to draw cachers together not just from the host area or country but to have a International attendance. A picnic in the park is far from what a Mega is all about. Have a look at the really big ones in the states, with all the activities within the event.
And whilst a picnic in the park can be published by a Reviewer, only Groundspeak can award Mega Status. I'm sure the current Mega Committee will confirm that they had a hard time convincing Groundspeak to award that status.
Question is would Groundspeak award Mega status to a picnic in the park type event which had been created solely because there was 5 camping events in the area? The idea is the Mega is what brings people to the area, not 5 separate events to bring the No's in.
Groundspeak have stated several times that Mega status is constantly under review, and if they consider it is getting too easy to draw together 500 cachers the minimum No could be increased to a thousand or more. As a Mega Event is supposed to be a challenge to organise, consider it a form of quality control for Mega Status.
17th July 2008, 06:03 PM
I imagine that Groundspeak gets many requests for Mega status from (over-)ambitious organisers. Many of these events either fail to get anything like the required number of attendees, or fall by the wayside altogether. (One Mega event which was much trumpeted in Germany in 2007 got awarded the icon and then the organisers dropped out "for health reasons". Your committee should be big enough that only Legionnaire's Disease can make this an issue.)
Because of this, for a completely new set of organisers (as in the UK this year), to get Mega status is probably going to be particularly hard. On the other hand, a recurring event, or one which looks like it, will have a lot more credibility. The Dutch Mega event which I attended in April had 900 attendees this year and 700 or so last year - they first held it in 2003 with 80 people. I imagine that their Mega icon this year was approved in about half an hour.
I would strongly advise anyone thinking of organising a Mega event to:
- wait until after the first weekend in August, to see what you're letting yourself in for - basically, "plan to put a big chunk of your life on hold for six months" seems to cover it;
- consider co-opting one or two members of the 2008 Committee to their own event, both for solid advice and for credibility (and not just with Groundspeak).
By the way and hopefully not too OT, I think I read something which suggested that the 2008 Committee thought that they are/were not allowed to charge a registration fee. AFAIK, Groundspeak's event rules (Mega or not) do allow for a cover charge to defray overhead expenses, as long as this is "reasonable" and the overall event remains not for profit. The Dutch event charged 2.50 per head, if I remember correctly. My personal preference would be to defray expenses "the Harrogate way" (coins, calendars if you must :p) but the option of charging a small registration fee is available. (Then you have all the fun of collecting it: again, the Scouting Erica team behing the Dutch event already have the software written.)
At the moment I am considering whether to start the ball rolling in my part of the world for a cross-border Franco-German Mega event in... 2010. Having seen what's involved, it's not too soon to start advance planning.
17th July 2008, 07:18 PM
Sorry but you seem to have missed the whole point of Mega events. Their aim is to draw cachers together not just from the host area or country but to have a International attendance. A picnic in the park is far from what a Mega is all about. Have a look at the really big ones in the states, with all the activities within the event.
Question is would Groundspeak award Mega status to a picnic in the park type event which had been created solely because there was 5 camping events in the area? The idea is the Mega is what brings people to the area, not 5 separate events to bring the No's in.
I'm sorry - but without meaning to be antagonistic in any way, could somebody please explain to me how exactly the idea above differs from this years Mega, and what exactly sets this years Mega event apart from other events around the country - aside from the attempt to get 500 people to sign the log? There appear to be 5 other events in the week running up to the Mega , and on the big day itself a venue for people to visit to sign the book......
Brenin Tegeingl
17th July 2008, 07:58 PM
The Mega came first, the Camping event was created due to the fact the Mega Committee was unable to source a location which would not require a huge loan due to the extremely high cost of the locations that could cater with both camping and the other planed activity's.
Without the Mega taking place non of the other events would have happened. They got published as they meet the "Stand on their own Merit's". ie: would they still have had people attend if the Mega hadn't taken place. Simple answer yes.
Oh and the Mega is just not about turning up and signing the log book! There will be trade stalls and organised activity's, one of which is designed to incurage people to socialise with those they've never meet before.
Why not attend and have a chance to meet cachers not just from all parts of the UK, but other countries as well
18th July 2008, 06:26 AM
So the only problem with the idea suggested would be that the central idea cache needs more things to do?
It's already been suggested that some contest take place between the various camping events when they arrive. .... a total number of miles travelled by everyone arriving from each event hence encouraging more far flung cachers.
I realise that the ideas suggested have been simplistic so far but that's because this is a forum to discuss stuff. Hopefully more ideas could be suggested to improve and adapt the idea suggested and therefore make it more likely that it will happen not less.
The idea for this is not to detract from this years effort which will manage to be the first mega event in the UK but to have a mea event next year that will be different and located in a more southerly location to allow more people from this area to attend. It will allow those people who are unable to give the whole weekend to caching to attend for the day without driving in excess of 1000miles in one day!
So please could we try to change this into a can do type of thread as opposed to listing the reasons why we couldn't?:)
18th July 2008, 06:58 AM
So please could we try to change this into a can do type of thread as opposed to listing the reasons why we couldn't?:)
Matt - It always was as far as I'm concerned.... :cheers:
It just seems that all the feedback so far has been negative, just listing the reasons why that wouldn't be acceptable, rather than suggestions to swing it the other way..... bit of a shame really, considering ;)
18th July 2008, 01:37 PM
"plan to put a big chunk of your life on hold for six months" seems to cover it;
Suggestion for anyone who gets involved in something on this scale in the future - don't move house right at the critical time!!!!
By the way and hopefully not too OT, I think I read something which suggested that the 2008 Committee thought that they are/were not allowed to charge a registration fee. AFAIK, Groundspeak's event rules (Mega or not) do allow for a cover charge to defray overhead expenses, as long as this is "reasonable" and the overall event remains not for profit. The Dutch event charged 2.50 per head, if I remember correctly. My personal preference would be to defray expenses "the Harrogate way" (coins, calendars if you must :p) but the option of charging a small registration fee is available. (Then you have all the fun of collecting it: again, the Scouting Erica team behing the Dutch event already have the software written.)
That was probably our biggest mistake, we assumed that as Events have to be open to all, we wouldn't be allowed to charge for admittance, without actually checking with Groundspeak. The event happening at all basically rested on my ability to get the Geocoins made in time, and then getting enough sold just to cover the basic costs of hiring the venue.
It just seems that all the feedback so far has been negative
Welcome to my world, it's what I've had to deal with every week since December :wacko:
18th July 2008, 02:06 PM
Knowingn the money paid out by the organisers as soon as i confirmed we were going purchsed two coins.
I would be willing to pay for the arrival pack as well.
Sorry i could not help more but the clients i work with were not willing to donate stuff to a first time event, in addition the main one who would of helped have there own event the same weekend (Innocent drinks garden party in london)
Anyon organising a gathering of over 500 people deserves all the praise i can give and when they do this for free and probably at a loss to themselves words fail me.
18th July 2008, 04:33 PM
That was probably our biggest mistake, we assumed that as Events have to be open to all, we wouldn't be allowed to charge for admittance, without actually checking with Groundspeak.
The evil Americans assume that "open to all" means "open to all with money", bwahahaha. (Actually, from discussions I've seen, anything over about $5 gets a very close look from the reviewer.)
The Dutch event had a very no-nonsense approach, but then the Dutch are no-nonsense about most things, including money (I think they have a knowledge-sharing arrangement with Yorkshire :p). You had to sign up for everything on-line and it told you exactly how much money to send them (so much per sandwich, so much per carton of milk) and which bank account number to use. Once you did that, everything went into your bar-coded badge which was readable at half a dozen stations around the event area.
An example of the sort of organisation which was going on: to get dinner, you let them scan your badge, which not only said "he's paid for dinner, let him in", it also kept score on a screen in the kitchen so the cooks could see how many people had already eaten and thus at what speed to bring various items out of the fridges. When you're preparing a hot and cold buffet for 800 people, four seconds saved per person is an hour!
Of course, I'm sure that if you'd have charged £2 a head and £1 for kids you'd have had moaners about that too. On the other hand, a lot of people would have signed up quite early, so you'd have had a float; plus, with such a small amount, you can make it non-refundable (or at least, non-refundable within 30 days of the event) and so when people cry off at the last minute, it reduces the pain. ;) And you can charge £1 extra on the day for the procrastinators.
18th July 2008, 07:46 PM
Which is exactly what a Mega Event is all about, otherwise it's not a Mega Event
Which I'd personally refuse to publish, as it would just be part of a organised cache hunt. The whole point of a event is to allow those attending to socialise with each other.
How about GC18T51 ?? Isn't that a cache hunt, not an event??
Bill D (wwh)
18th July 2008, 09:59 PM
I've moved this to our new Mega Events sub-forum for obvious reasons. :)
The Hornet
19th July 2008, 07:59 AM
With nearly 650 caching teams converging on Harrogate, it occurs to me that in a week or so there are going to be an awful lot of identical PQ's being generated. Maybe GSP would relax the "no sharing of PQ" rule for the mega event and allow the committee to generate one PQ and host it on the event website for everyone to share.
So, if GSP object to this idea maybe they could let us know.
19th July 2008, 11:07 PM
With nearly 650 caching teams converging on Harrogate, it occurs to me that in a week or so there are going to be an awful lot of identical PQ's being generated. Maybe GSP would relax the "no sharing of PQ" rule for the mega event and allow the committee to generate one PQ and host it on the event website for everyone to share.
So, if GSP object to this idea maybe they could let us know.
I shall try to remember to mention that at our "oh god less than two weeks to go!" committee meeting tomorrow :p
The Hornet
4th August 2008, 06:03 PM
Well it happened!! :cool::D
All kudos to the organisers for putting together a huge event that went like clockwork. Boy it must be easy to organise something like that going by how well it all went. ;););)
Well done folks and I'm glad that the fund raising approach finally worked out. I much prefer that way of doing things and I hope there's enough left to buy yourselves a small :beer: before sending the remainder to your chosen charity. I'm sure they won't begrudge you :cheers: yourselves.
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