View Full Version : Help with setup Venture hc

8th May 2009, 05:59 PM
Hi can anyone help me with setting up my new garmin venture hc it seems to be set up for america,its totaly different from my 1st gps (cobra 100 old style) and im not sure if I should set it up for true N or mag N also when i,m caching should I use it in navigate or map, also N up or Track up?
any help & guidance most welcome jjim30 (newbie).:ph34r:

Bear and Ragged
8th May 2009, 10:27 PM
Searching for caches-wise, True North/Magnetic North doesn't make a lot of difference.*
If you read a paper map, and want directions, it might. I have my GPS set to magnetic.

I use the arrow to point the way, rather than looking at the map...

Map wise, I have Course Up. Just personal preference.

*unless you get instructions like "Cache is 200 yards along bearing 10 degrees North from co-ords"

10th May 2009, 03:00 PM
Searching for caches-wise, True North/Magnetic North doesn't make a lot of difference.*
If you read a paper map, and want directions, it might. I have my GPS set to magnetic.

I use the arrow to point the way, rather than looking at the map...

Map wise, I have Course Up. Just personal preference.

*unless you get instructions like "Cache is 200 yards along bearing 10 degrees North from co-ords"

I use magnetic north, (you can check this with a compass).
I also use the compass when close to the cache.
I also use course up.

All just personal preference, change things and see how they work for you...

21st June 2010, 09:16 PM
I use mag north (I find it easier to keep things synced(like compasses)).
Also i use Track Up as I find it easier navigating to the cache. Like i said, i keep it simple stupid. (me=stupid, no inference to anyone else)