View Full Version : POI file for Flush Brackets
30th July 2009, 09:01 PM
I've added a POI file for all 12,990 non-pillar Flush Brackets to the trigonomy files ( folder . It contains location data, plus details of condition, position and some description. Data all derived from ( .
Thanks for the idea Rob!
7th September 2009, 09:57 PM
Updated to include latest updates to Bench Marks database
12th October 2009, 09:19 PM
Updated today to include changes of status & some new additions to the database.
30th November 2009, 09:43 PM
Updated to include a couple of new additions and all status updates.
(I've updated the Hills POI to match Chris's database too, and finally added Hills Plus for Dewey Donalds & Yeamans in sections 26-28)
Sagina nivalis
16th December 2009, 08:50 PM
(I've updated the Hills POI to match Chris's database too, and finally added Hills Plus for Dewey Donalds & Yeamans in sections 26-28)
Monumentally off topic but in relation to the last para, I've started collecting GPS co-ords for the more obscure summits and feeding back to Chris. Keep em coming, Bernie - really useful files.
16th December 2009, 09:09 PM
Monumentally off topic but in relation to the last para, I've started collecting GPS co-ords for the more obscure summits and feeding back to Chris. Keep em coming, Bernie - really useful files.
I don't think anybody else is reading this anyway! :ohmy:
I've added Scottish & Welsh SubHuMPs to the Hills Plus POI file. Rest to follow...
Bill D (wwh)
16th December 2009, 10:51 PM
I don't think anybody else is reading this anyway! :ohmy:
Oh yes they are... :p :) :)
17th December 2009, 05:02 PM
Caught! It's nice to know someone is paying attention, even if only The Management. We hereby promise to stay on topic. ish. :ph34r:
Bill D (wwh)
17th December 2009, 05:08 PM
Caught! It's nice to know someone is paying attention, even if only The Management. We hereby promise to stay on topic. ish. :ph34r:
:D :D :D
Sagina nivalis
19th December 2009, 09:44 AM
Well, staying on off-topic very briefly ;), one really good thing is that if when you get to the summit the POI file is wrong by quite a bit, then you know to get a decent waypoint and feed it back to Graham Jackson to update the Hills database and thereby improve the POI file - a virtuous circle :cool:
19th December 2009, 11:18 AM
Yup, that's the idea. Of course a great many of the DoBH ( entries are only correct to 6 figures, so that could happen quite regularly.
If there are errors in the trigs POI file (beyond the usual co-ord conversion/ rounding / satellite / hardware issues) then human input error will be to blame, as they have all been worked to 10 figures, apart from those few cases where it specifically states otherwise.
For Flush Brackets, the conversion is rather unusually from an 8 figure ref, so there is a wider margin of error there, but given the semi-urban nature of most FBs the surveyors notes are probably of more use at close range anyway.
10 figure refs for the Hills Plus file (i.e. those not (yet...) on DoBH) are mostly taken from Anquet readings of spot heights etc. This is evidently an inaccurate science given the vagaries of map printing etc, but it's much better than human eye readings, and should still in the vast majority of cases give a better estimate than a 6 figure ref would.
Any & all improvements to readings welcome of course.
Next step, English subHuMPs & the few remaining Yeamans.
21st December 2009, 08:11 PM
Yeamans & SubHuMPs now complete, along with a few other miscellaneous hills.
That'll probably be it for the moment, with the exception of a Trig POI update once GRP's forthcoming spreadsheet is deciphered.
After the New Year I'll be adding the English equivalent of Yeamans - what should I call them? On my access database they are listed as 'Yeomans', but I'm not sure where that label came from? Would 'Clems' be more appropriate? :dunno:
29th January 2010, 08:35 PM
Clems / Yeomans now added, bringing the Hills Plus ( total up to 1094.
The only things left in my Access database now are 500m/P30 tops north of Section 26 (which I have listed as 'Woodalls', cos they came from your list originally) but there's about 600 to do, so that won't appear for donkeys.
And then Ireland of course, but that's another story.
Sagina nivalis
3rd February 2010, 07:57 PM
Clems / Yeomans now added, bringing the Hills Plus ( total up to 1094.
The only things left in my Access database now are 500m/P30 tops north of Section 26 (which I have listed as 'Woodalls', cos they came from your list originally) but there's about 600 to do, so that won't appear for donkeys.
And then Ireland of course, but that's another story.
Woodalls - best find another name before they go online: original roughcut version was Tony Payne's and I'm sure Mark Jackson has tidied them up subsequent to my input. Paynes - there's a thought.
Ireland POIs would be nice. I ought to go back there, but maybe not for a while: we should synchronise our donkeys :D The Hills POI was handy at the weekend - I found a few Corbett Tops needing 10-fig refs GPSing.
4th February 2010, 06:16 PM
Paynes - That works rather well :lol: I'd forgotten I still have to cross-check my list with Mark Jackson's magnum opus. Damn.:wacko:
Ireland POIs would be nice. - not possible by my usual way of working though. Still no doubt I'll be able to bodge it somehow.
The Hills POI was handy at the weekend - I found a few Corbett Tops needing 10-fig refs GPSing. - I showed my wife that: "See, I'm not an idiot".
Sagina nivalis
4th February 2010, 08:02 PM
The Hills POI was handy at the weekend - I found a few Corbett Tops needing 10-fig refs GPSing. - I showed my wife that: "See, I'm not an idiot".
:D and your wife said ?
5th February 2010, 05:33 PM
:D and your wife said ?
The jury's still out, or words to that effect.
Heading for the Cairnwell on Sunday, all being well.
9th February 2010, 10:45 PM
Paynes - That works rather well :lol: I'd forgotten I still have to cross-check my list with Mark Jackson's magnum opus. Damn.:wacko:
Rather encouragingly, this proved less laborious than expected - Mark J. only had one top I'd missed, the 494m sub An Grianan (, and I'd only listed one top that he'd left out, Allanrowie (, another sub at 493m. There's a chance the col to the south will give this the required drop, but I'm happy to settle for 29m till I've had the chance to check it out.
Otherwise, all square. But I'll check my list of subHuMPs against the appendex in this this new marvel ( before proceeding any further.
6th April 2010, 09:55 PM
I've updated the POI file ( for Non-Pillar Flush Brackets today, and added a small POI file for 1GL/PA Bolts, in the unlikely event that anyone will need it.
28th April 2010, 05:48 PM
Rather stupidly, the longitude & latitude columns were transposed in the last update, but I've sorted it now.
Thanks to Rob for noticing. :o
Sagina nivalis
28th April 2010, 06:21 PM
Thanks to Rob for noticing. :o
Thanks for fixing it so promptly. You were just unlucky that this is my year for updating my POIs :D
3rd January 2011, 08:04 PM
The Flush Brackets POI file ( has at long last been updated, with any & all changes to logged condition since April.
5th April 2011, 11:41 AM
The Flush Brackets POI file ( has been updated, no additions, just condition changes etc.
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