View Full Version : Hello From Lancashire!!
5th January 2011, 08:55 PM
Hello All!
Just thought we'd drop in and say "Greetings from Lancashire!"
We've only been Geo Caching for a week now and are pretty well hooked
Still amazed by the fact there are so many out there right under everyone's noses, and gutted we've only just cottoned on to it all... ;)
Well we've been out every day and have a tidy 15 under our belt so far even had the chance to grab one before work yesterday morning and went for a wander in the creepy woods in the middle of nowhere the other night ... yeah that was fun! needless to say due to the lack of torchlight, we failed to find it!?
Well anyway hope to get to know you all!
The Peckwoods
5th January 2011, 09:13 PM
Welcome to GAGB!
15 in the first week that's good!
5th January 2011, 09:15 PM
Welcome to this addiction called Geocaching, its great fun and a good reason to go for a walk.
Hope you enjoy the forums, anything you need to know just ask and an answer will appear, as if by magic 'well almost'
5th January 2011, 09:34 PM
Hehe! the walk is definitely helping remove that extra Christmas weight, the lazy Labrador already looks at us with "Please no more give me a break" look every time we get the lead out but, needs must and our new found addiction has to be fed!
I must thank you for your welcomes and have already found this forum to be quite a friendly place already :)
Now to work out our route for tomorrow evening, anyone know where to purchase one of those "torch" things? ;)
5th January 2011, 10:29 PM
Why not belatedly join the mileage challenge, it is only for fun.
5th January 2011, 10:58 PM
Welcome welcome. Yes, I may not be Dr Dick, but I can safely diagnose that you are addicts. There is only one course of action for this. Get out, find more, then get out more and find even more. It isn't a cure, there isn't one, but at least while you are suffering, you will have a big grin on your face. And yes, please do join our fun mileage challenge, it started on January 1st, but any finds from then can be back dated.
5th January 2011, 11:33 PM
:applause: hahaha! sounds like a challenge! I must find out more? where do we sign up?
Just came back from a late night jaunt involving a dark field, a tree and some scary sheep! so I've managed to get a least 1 daily ! hehe
6th January 2011, 06:59 AM
Hello All!
needless to say due to the lack of torchlight, we failed to find it!?
standard items whenever i go out, even if it is shopping for a pint of milk : torch, pen, leatherman
not that I am obsessed or anything, just prepared.
welcome to the madhouse btw :)
7th January 2011, 01:16 AM
from us down South ! We have friends(the Beauchiefs) in the Blackburn area - They are rapidly collecting cachers in the area and go out in a pack !
If you get lonely - contact them
7th January 2011, 02:39 PM
Yeah that would be lovely to meet some other caches in our area , we're based in North Lancashire but Blackburn isnt too far down the motorway , I may have to get in touch Thankyou :)
7th January 2011, 05:13 PM
:applause: hahaha! sounds like a challenge! I must find out more? where do we sign up?
Just came back from a late night jaunt involving a dark field, a tree and some scary sheep! so I've managed to get a least 1 daily ! hehe
Hi again,
If you want to sign up, activate a new geocoin from 1st Jan, then dip it in to every UK cache that you do this year. Don't worry, it can be backdated to do any caches you have done this year. The GAGB is a good coin but you will find plenty more on Ebay for sale as well if you don't want to use the GAGB one. If you do decide to use a GAGB one, Dr Dick will be along shortly to let you have details about buying one from him, along with the coin number so that you can activate it straight away and dip it before it arrives. Pauses for deep breath. Thanks.
7th January 2011, 10:30 PM
Coin available HERE (
7th January 2011, 10:48 PM
from us down South ! We have friends(the Beauchiefs) in the Blackburn area - They are rapidly collecting cachers in the area and go out in a pack !
If you get lonely - contact them
Do they? Thats cool. I am in only in Burnley and still never ever met a fellow geocacher.
Yeah that would be lovely to meet some other caches in our area , we're based in North Lancashire but Blackburn isnt too far down the motorway , I may have to get in touch Thankyou :)
Yeah let me know if you get in touch, see if we can get together for a days caching?
8th February 2011, 12:26 PM
Hi and welcome, ive just started too, its so addictive. Ive got some caching up to do though to have as many finds as you!:socool:
8th February 2011, 02:10 PM
There is a meet coming up in Chorley soon this month.
You just missed out on the Warrington one.
Only been at it myself a week or 2 but cant get out much so have found less than you.
Just found a sneeky lil blighter in Bolton Town Centre though.
The Boltonian (Derek).
Slightly Tall Paul
8th February 2011, 04:57 PM
Just found a sneeky lil blighter in Bolton Town Centre though.
The Boltonian (Derek).
HaHa:lol: It's funny that you should mention that cache as I'm a delivery driver for a certain sportswear retailer and I put the co-ords in my GPSr for that cache after my last visit to that particular store and (you're probably ahead of me here) 3 months later I haven't been back to Bolton!:dunno:
8th February 2011, 05:31 PM
Well come on down, have a brew. get to the co-ords and sit outside the **** coffee bar and watch the ladies go by.
(You will be less than 30 feet from it):ph34r:.
Maple Leaf
8th February 2011, 05:55 PM
snip ..... I'm a delivery driver for a certain sportswear retailer ....snip
So that is why your mileage coin is doing so well :D
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