View Full Version : Hampshire and IoW Wildlife Trust

27th November 2015, 02:33 PM
When the agreement was originally set up each reserve page on their website had a map which I transferred by hand into our database (and produced the Google map from). Some of these reserves have now gone and there are some new ones. I've contacted the trust to ask if they can supply me with digital maps of the reserves. I've also asked them to look at the agreement and confirm if it is still current.

Volunteer UK Reviewer for geocaching.com
UK Geocaching Policies Wiki (https://wiki.groundspeak.com/display/GEO/United+Kingdom)
Geocaching.com Help Center (http://support.groundspeak.com//index.php)
UK Geocaching Information & Resources website (http://www.follow-the-arrow.co.uk)

Sharon - Sharant
28th November 2015, 07:40 PM
Thanks Chris, keep us informed if there are any changes.

16th March 2016, 01:27 PM
In December 2015 we still had an agreement showing in the GLAD - a 'Permitted' agreement which expired in September 2015. The GC WiKi however showed that NO caches are allowed. I have tried since the beginning of January 2016 to re-instate this agreement and finally got a reply this week. The new contact in H&IoWWT is John Donnell and he has investigated if it is possible to re-instate the agreement. Sadly they are saying that they do not have the resource to process applications at this stage and maybe we could apply again in late September 2016.
I have archived the old agreement in case we can re-instate it and created a new 'Not permitted' agreement. It is apparent that through staffing cuts etc. at H&IoWWT they do not have the ability to deal with all enquiries, which is why it took several emails, letters, phone calls to get someone to respond.

I did feel that there is a possibility that geocaching would be allowed and I also feel that any new negotiations would be better done 'face to face' to understand exactly what barriers there are and if we can help to alleviate these.