View Full Version : 2022/2023 Election to fill Committee Vacancies

12th November 2022, 06:19 PM
By the close of nominations for the 2022/2023 GAGB Committee, two candidates accepted and were elected onto the 2022/2023 GAGB Committee - in order of acceptance, Border Caz (Caz Turver) and Griff Grof (Arthur Griffiths).

This means that there are still SIX vacancies on the 2022/2023 committee which need to be filled. As the 2022/2023 term of office will currently commence with under five members, a further election needs to be held to fill these vacancies, in line with Clause G(3) of the GAGB Constitution. Below is the timetable:

Nominations open: 00:00 Sunday 13 November
Nominations close: 23:59 Tuesday 22 November (9 full days)
Deadline to accept nomination and submit manifesto: 23:59 Wednesday 23 November
Vote: 00:00 Friday 25 November - 23:59 Monday 28 November (4 full days)
Result announced: Tuesday 29 November

All GAGB members are eligible, and encouraged, to participate (stand, nominate, vote). As long as you are an ‘active’ member (defined as having interacted with us at some point in the last three years), you will receive a ballot to your registered email. Inactive members are able to request one after that.

Each candidate needs to receive two nominations from active members and in the proper GAGB forum to be valid, and the nominee must ‘accept’ the nomination by the due date.