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Thread: Sat nav with Latitude/Longitude

  1. #1
    Beach_hut Guest

    Default Sat nav with Latitude/Longitude


    I'm looking to buy a Sat Nav with GPS capability that I can enter the latitude and longtitude co-ordinates in, but am struggling to find one, simply due to the large number of Sat Navs on the market.

    Can anyone recommend one around the £100 - £150 mark?


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Towcester, Northants


    Consider using a PPC with either a built in GPS or a Bluetooth GPS and running TomTom Navigator, which does allow you to input Lat /Long coords

    You can then also run Beeline or Cachemate and you have fully paperless caching and Sat Nav in one unit. In addition you can run Anquet or Memory map on the PPC as well.

    By getting the PPC on EBay you should come in (Excluding Anquet or MM) within your budget.

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