Oops ! Guess I didn't word that too well, perhaps I should have said "If you are determined to place a cache in the NF ... "
Sorry !
As already stated, there's a very similar game, letterboxing, that is very active in the New Forest, and maybe we could get a similar approval to them. Maybe we can ask TPTB in letterboxing for a look at their (his) agreement with the FC and draft out something very similar to approach the FC with?
That would be a very good idea except it's not just the FC we have to be concerned about. We have had some resistance from the letterboxers who do not want us in the forest. Perhaps they are afraid of loosing their own status quo with the Forestry Commission. Form our discussions, we are unlikely to get any help from them.
The way we two see it, is that if they have permission to place ‘micro’ containers in the forest why should we not be able to place ‘micros’. ( I feel something about Human rights and discrimination coming on here.) More importantly, as most cachers will know (and the letterboxes who have cached) regular sized caches usually result in much less disturbance of the area than a micro or film canister does. Another important point is that we restrict the number of caches to .1 mile between them. I read/was told of a letterboxer who sat on a rock to eat his pic-nic, and then realised that there were 3 lotterboxes under the rock he was sat on ! OK, I guess it must have been a big rock.
<span style=\'font-size:10pt;line-height:100%\'><span style=\'color:green\'><span style=\'font-family:Arial\'>totally brassed off </span></span></span>