Well it's my own fault I suppose! hmy:
I thought of posting my new thread on this forum but chose the other side as there has been little traffic here over the last few days. How wrong I was; I hadn't realised that Dave had joined the Grumpy Old Men brigade. He's closed it as "nothing even remotely to do with geocaching"!
Personally I can't see why collecting foodstuffs whilst out geocaching is any less to do with our hobby than nettles, the cost of fuel, who lives in a house like this, what's in your caching bag and so on........ not forgetting the The All New All New Groundspeak UK Pub Quiz which even has the gall to a) claim to be 'off topic' and b) mention a pub which I thought Groundspeak feel to be a commercial concern!:cheers:
Not that I'm looking to get these other threads closed - I'm NOT. Rather I think that by closing these threads they are taking away the soul of the UK forum.
More power to this GAGB