Payment to the PDSA from the sales of Caching Canines Calendars
Thank you to everyone who supported this.
PDSA Payment
Payment to the PDSA from the sales of Caching Canines Calendars
Thank you to everyone who supported this.
PDSA Payment
Last edited by Us 4 and Jess; 3rd September 2008 at 05:43 PM. Reason: Spelling
Didn't get banned
Well done for the hard work Mandy and I'm saddened by the ridiculous but predictable reaction "over there". As time goes by I continue to be convinced I made the right decision in April.
Good on 'yer kid.
I am in 100% agreement with my esteemed ex-colleague and still great friend .
In my (our) disagreements with GSP and their, apparent, total disregard for the way many of us Brits may feel (and I know full well it is not all of us before one or two of you start up the chorus that they totally disagree) I perhaps foresaw the way things were starting to go and decided that I wanted no part in it.
Mandy, over the past few years you have done a great service to some UK charities, as did the people who supported deepdiggingmole, Cave Troll and Joan, and all the other who, I know, used their caching activities to support others less fortunate, or those with a problem.
I am just so sorry that the fundamentalist minority - and I do believe it is a minority - have prevailed to bring this change about. I am also saddened that the pressure from elsewhere has caused such a change in the way the UK forum is controlled, and some of the other aspects of caching in the UK.
Perhaps it grew too large - I don't know - but I really wish it had the same spirit it has when I started in 2002
But as I said before somewhere - I (we) will "Carry on Caching" ("Ooeer Matron!") and hopefully enjoy doing it......
So, Cheers all :cheers::cheers:,
Get out there and find 'em - before they all get binned for some reason or other!!
:cheers: Cheers to you too, Dave! I've recently started to properly understand why you took the action you did...!
Nice post Dave.
Don't tell me they have been closing threads over there again
Vote for "Barrack" he'll sort em out
Well done to Mandy and Dave
Having raised something approaching two grand for Children in Need over the last five years through the CIN Cache Events in Yorkshire, I won't be holding an event in 2008.
Our (very) old and esteemed reviewing team presumably turned a blind eye to the CIN event in the past even though they knew damn well what CIN stood for. But I have no doubt that the new regime from my side of the pond would stamp on CIN 2008 from a great height. It just isn't worth the risk any more.
Kids charities suffer while TPTB keep using our $30 to fuel their boats and Ferraris. (just kidding about that bit - I think!!!)
Muggle - One Voice - One Vote
Sure you'll be participating, but as a school volunteer, not as a Geocacher. I was referring to geocachers joining together to enjoy a geocaching related activity.
I'm a geocacher but when I play golf I'm a golfer (of sorts! ), when I go shopping I'm a (henpecked) husband, when I watch Watford FC I'm a football fan, not "The Hornet, Geocacher". Just because you are a geocacher, not everything you do is geocaching related.
I'm simply making the point that there will be plenty of opportunities for people to contribute to Children in Need on 14th November and there are also plenty of geocaching events that take place throughout the year. I don't feel deprived because I can't combine the two.
I'm glad that you are satisfied with things as they are. My point though, was that some (many?) people have enjoyed combining caching and CIN over the past several years and it's a great shame that they are no longer allowed to do so.
I believe that the scale of Children In Need is unique within this country and that's what makes it special. It is a truly national event and involves numbers of participants in a way that other charitable appeals just don't. I don't know whether similar events take place elsewhere around the world and I'm sure that those in charge at Groundspeak do not grasp the significance of CIN in this country despite mine, Eckington's and Deceangi's attempts to persuade them over the past few years.
I can only hope that those efforts will continue.
Hi Lucilla, to be honest Geocaching related CIN activities have been going on for so long now that I cannot remember the precise history. What I do know, is that until very recently the local reviewers were allowed sufficient latitude in the way that they dealt with such matters that CIN events were able to take place without any trouble being caused. For years we never received any complaints at the way we were dealing with this local "variance". My comment about trying to "persuade" Groundspeak was in reference to the many discussions we had about formalising the ability of local reviewers to react to local situations.
As people now know however, for whatever reason certain people in "authority", who perhaps did not understand the particular situation here, decided that this variance from the global interpretation would be the cause of problems elsewhere. It was at this point that the "cosy" local way of doing things suddenly became anathema and the rest as they say ... etc.
The point I was trying to make was that I felt comfortable being involved in a particular method of doing things which to my mind suited this community but now that has changed I feel the way geocaching is being driven (not by you or Graculus, Deci or Alba I have to say) is to its detriment.
Just to pull this post back OT a bit -
I understand that some people are not happy with the way that Groundspeak have tightened up on the implementation of their Guidelines recently however (as you probably realise) I take a similar view as stated by Eclectic Penguin in a recent UK Forum post,
<snip>"at the end of the day, Groundspeak IS a privately owned company who can run their own web sites in whatever manner they chose, even if we don't agree with them. At the end of the day, the UK part of the forum is part of the overall Groundspeak empire regardless of whether we feel it should be run differently. For me, if I really didn't feel I wanted to live under the rules of these forums, I wouldn't use the forums..."<snip>
However, there are ways to accommodate the requirements of GSP and still convey whatever information you need to get across, it just takes a little forethought and consideration. For example, our very own Nobby Nobbs recently put up this Topic in the UK Forum:
Help required organising a London based treasure hunt. It's a perfectly reasonable request with no references to anything charitable or commercial in any way. He suggested that anyone interested could get more information by contacting him through his profile or via GAGB. No unnecessary links to anything either. As far as I'm aware, Nobby achieved his aim of getting some assistance from UK geocachers and everyone was happy with the outcome. How did he manage this? - With a little forethought, consideration and consultation.
Now you can argue along the lines of, "But why should we have to go about it in this way?... etc etc"
I can only refer you back to that quote above from the penguin man.
Last edited by Mrs Blorenge; 5th September 2008 at 02:51 PM.
It's a shame Muggle has decided not to hold another CIN event at the Leggers this year, I'm sure a listing would get approved if it just didn't mention CIN or any raffles.
The Mega Event 2008 commitee are meeting in a few weeks to discuss, amoungst other things, who to donate our leftover funds to; and I'll certainly be pushing for CIN as a worthy recipent.
As for Mark's Foxhunts..... The Foxhunt I ran at the Mega week was a success (for those who could understand it), and now I own the equipment I'll certainly be putting on another (now I've learnt what works and what doesn't) - I just happen to have another week of holiday still to book this year, and November would be a good time
It would be a great shame if the car just happened to have a donation bucket on-board, with no mention on the event page
Interesting, we still have a few apparent double standards.
Despite all the grief that Mandy went through, and despite all the GSP hype about forum guidelines etc, at least one geocacher/caching team has a solicitation for a charity on their tagline - and Good for Them!
The event is over, as I discovered when donated, but they have raised nearly £1300 for GOSH so far - again WELL DONE THE!!!!