I'd be up for organising one of hese suckerz. It would have to be fancy dress though.
I've thought about how to do it and I think it can be done.
Do you think groundspeak would allow it?
I'd be up for organising one of hese suckerz. It would have to be fancy dress though.
I've thought about how to do it and I think it can be done.
Do you think groundspeak would allow it?
Its certainly an intersting concept, whether or not they'd go for it would be another matter. They sent a rep to the UK Mega Event to confirm that we got over 500. There have been geocaching flash mobs in the past (Ian fondly remembers the Birmingham one) so a mega event is just something bigger.
Maybe one of our current or ex reviewers could shed some light on the rule nuances regarding a Mega Event and whether it would be achievable.
"I Cache, therefore I am"
I don't think that's correct. As far as I know, I was the only person representing Groundspeak there, and "checking that 500 people turn up" was not something I was asked to do. I don't know if they dropped a mail to Deceangi afterwards, but I would guess not. AFAIK, Mega status is granted on trust, after you've convinced Groundspeak that it's reasonably likely to happen. It took Robin a couple of months at least to get the Harrogate event a Mega icon, and he had a committee, years of solid event organising experience, and all the UK volunteers right behind him. There are a lot of "Mega wannabes" who start off with big hopes and don't get close to the required number of attendees, so this attitude is understandable. (Having 250 Will Attend logs, or however many it was, in the first week certainly helps.)
For a start if you want to list a Mega Event it probably has to be listed at least six months in advance. That means that it will become public knowledge, which means that the local council and police will be interested. 500 people in the same place at one time is already a public order issue, even if they're all just reading the Bible.
Given all the moaning which there was about travelling X hundred miles to Harrogate, I wish you good luck in identifying a location that 500 people are prepared to travel to, at £1.25 and up for a litre of fuel, for 15 minutes and one smiley. I think that most of the UK cachers who really really really wanted the Mega icon and were prepared to put a dent in their budget to get it, probably already did so last weekend.
You could maybe try and tack it on to another Mega Event, but then we're starting to get into "gratuitous smileys". There's already quite a lot of discussion as to what constitutes a real "event" among the various satellite activities that occur at a Mega. Plus, with "only" 900 people coming to the Mega, would you actually have got around 60% of them to synchronise themselves at the same spot?
My guess (aka: my sincere hope!) is that Groundspeak would politely turn it down on the basis that they don't want the Mega Event "brand" to become devalued. But then probably the majority of reviewers (well, me and another one that I know of ) feel that any flash mob event devalues regular Events, and yet when one was held in Seattle, Jeremy and several other lackeys went along and said they enjoyed it...
Last edited by sTeamTraen; 11th August 2008 at 02:28 PM.
Being brutally and totally honest, I make that at least 3 Reviewers with the same opinion of Flash Mobs. A event is about socialising, making new and strengthening existing Friendships. One of the biggest complaints about this years Mega, was that people did not get chance to meet people they wanted to.
The definition of a Flash mob is a event at which people turn up at a specific time and location, and Mob for the specific period before going their seperate ways. Going to a pub afterwards to have a chat, means that no actual Flash Mob Event took place.
I've had someone try and submit a Flash Mob event followed by a Pub event. After discussing things with my former colleagues, we came to the conclusion that it was one single event not 2 separate stand alone ones.
I publish Flash Mob Events because Groundspeak allows them, not because I believe they have any merit. And whilst I will support any genuine Mega event in the UK. I will not support any attempt at a Mega Flash Mob event, and see all the hard work and personal risk that this years and next year committee put into the Mega made into a joke.
My post is my personal opinion and as such you do not have my permission to quote me outside of these forums!
Brenin Tegeingl
Formerly known as Mancunian Pyrocacher on GC
I guess that puts that one to bed then.
"I Cache, therefore I am"
I hope the replies haven't depressed you too much, fraggle69 - It looks like the scenario of 500+ cachers dressed as pirates and descending on an unsuspecting Bristol/Swindon/Glastonbury is unlikely to come to fruition.
I have actually attended one of the FlashMob Events - I went up for the one at the London Eye and nearly got "sent to Coventry" in Chat because I was prepared to defend the whole FlashMob concept. In fact somebody there described it as a rank idea. (I think that was the word they used...) I decided to go along because I wanted to say that I had actually been to one, rather than cast scorn on the whole idea without even trying one for size. It was a "different" experience, rather like the micro equivalent of the usual type of Event. Afterwards everyone dispersed in different directions and about 10 of us (including some visiting American geocachers) ended up getting steadily chilled :cheers: (in every sense of the word) at pavement tables outside a Whitehall pub. Would I attend another one? Yes, probably, if it was within 50 miles of me. But I suspect the whole idea of FlashMob events may be a passing fad. (Did I hear cheering from somewhere in the back stalls then? )
I still keep an eye on the whole FlashMob scene though and I'm a fully registered member of http://improveverywhere.ning.com/ The Urban Prankster site.
The two esteened reveiwers brought up some very valid points as well as some that I don't agree on (but thats my own opinion). However after reading their posts their arguments do ring true and their experience in this sort of things is obvious and to be treated with high regard.
Whilst I loved the flash mob event I attended, as with others the organiser was derided for attempting to organise it but it did work and it worked well.
It might not be as succesfull on a larger scale due to logistical reasons, distance and its limited duration. For starters the chance of finding 500 nutters mad enough to travel for 15 minutes of anarchy are slim.
So how about a Mini-Mega Event category then h34r: LOL
Last edited by studlyone; 11th August 2008 at 08:56 PM. Reason: I need a speel chucker ;)
"I Cache, therefore I am"
I've never been a supporter of Flashmob events, but the "open to all" 30 minute meet at the start of the Mega Fox Hunt accidentally turned into one. Everyone was milling around until I plonked down a chair on the exact coords of the event listing, then chaos ensued.
When the logs stop coming in I'll have an accurate figure, but there were over 200 heads there!
I haven't seen that before - looks great!
I like the FlashMob Event concept actually. Although I agree that a Mega probably won't be possible, there's a place for different types of event and I don't think it always has to be the type that would appeal to Dave (for instance).
Arr touched a nerve or two there.
Whilst the FME's pros/cons have already been discussed many times in the past I'll leave it there.
The question is 'will groundspeak support/allow such an event', I wasn't asking the reviewers permission or support as such? Is it my reviewers that put the proposal to groundspeak on my behalf, it seems unlikely they will be willing to in this instance. Does anyone have a contact for me at groundspeak.
If it's a 'no' that's fine, but unfair imo. If an event can be made into a mega, then surely a flashmob event can. Maybe it needs to be reclassified as a monster flashmob event rather than a mega with it's own icon or something, who knows!
I wasn't actually thinking pirates, I was hoping we could pretend to be part of a religious cult and make out like we were donating loads of money but infact we'd just be signing the log !
If anyone thinks we're taking the wee out of the hard work the mega event organisers put in, you can think what you like! Any event takes a degree of organisation and just because I want to do it without spending any money, then surely that's my choice. If every cache event were the same we'd soon get bored.
Free the flasher within
I have posted to the Reviewers forum asking if Groundspeak would be prepared to grant Mega Status to a Flash Mob Event. I will of course pass on any decision. And will follow any instructions issued by Groundspeak over such a event.
My post is my personal opinion and as such you do not have my permission to quote me outside of these forums!
Brenin Tegeingl
Formerly known as Mancunian Pyrocacher on GC
I appreciate that dude.
Even if it is agreed that's fine, I know I would still need to convince the local council its a good thing. I appreciate there are public order issues involved, so that would take a lot of negotiation on the organisers part.
Deci, what's the deal?
I appreciate you're not keen on FME's and understand you're not supportive of the need for them, but some feedback would be great. I appreaciate it's holiday season and times are busy, but you reviewers never rest, right?
Anyway, are the yanks worried we might beat them to a mega FME?
Love and Peace FraggleM
I'm not a big fan of flash mob events, but I would support the attempt for one to go Mega. I certainly put enough time and effort into my little camping do, for instance... but I wouldn't see all the "hard work and personal risk" (Dave's words) being "made into a joke" (Dave's words) if someone set a flash mob around it It's a bit of a laugh, essentially, which is no bad thing
So, come Piratemania next year, feel free to submit a standalone Flash Mob around it, and you'll get my full support
Last edited by PopUpPirate; 22nd August 2008 at 12:49 PM.
I've never seen the point of Flash Mobs but each to their own. When I was a reviewer there was a fair bit of discussion as to whether they should qualify as a Geocaching Event and in the end it was decided that they should. So Flash Mob "Events" are now an established fact.
By extension and applying the following Groundspeak Definition of a Mega Event:
There is nothing to prevent a large Flash Mob becoming Mega. The ONLY requirement is that the event itself attracts 500+ people. That's assuming that Groundspeak abide by their own guidelines h34r:A Mega-Event cache is similar to an Event Cache but it is much larger. In order to qualify as a Mega Event, the event cache must be attended by 500+ people.
I posted the question immediately I offered to, in the Reviewers Forum. A good discussion took place. The reply from Groundspeak is that they will consider any request for a Flash Mob Event to be upgraded to a mega after the event has taken place.
My post is my personal opinion and as such you do not have my permission to quote me outside of these forums!
Brenin Tegeingl
Formerly known as Mancunian Pyrocacher on GC
I think this year's MEGA event only got awarded the icon when the "will attend" logs (with indications of how many cachers were in each team) passed the critical 500 number. That was my impression anyway... I'm sure someone will clarify, if I'm wrong.
That way of doing things makes sense to me otherwise every tom, dick and harry would be organising "Mega Events". Once 500 cachers sign up to attend an event then that is the logical time to change it from a regular event to a Mega. I'd be very interested in attending a Flash Mob event on the off chance of it hitting Mega status. The number of 'will attend' logs would certainly give you an indication on whether or not it would be a goer. I went to the one organised by BikerMel and had a blast - 15 minutes of absolute mayhem.
"I Cache, therefore I am"
This years Mega was upgraded after a large amount of work on Robins part to persuade Groundspeak to upgrade it to Mega. It was not a simple process at all. Groundspeak have specifically stated that they will not upgrade a event to Mega status, to enable or incurage it to go Mega. The event or event owner must prove before hand that the Event is a Mega or after the event is over.
My post is my personal opinion and as such you do not have my permission to quote me outside of these forums!
Brenin Tegeingl
Formerly known as Mancunian Pyrocacher on GC
So reading what reviewers past and present have said:
To get an Event to go Mega, you get 500+ people to log a "Will Attend".
The event then goes Mega.
At the event, get the same people to sign the event log book. After the event, get the same people to post an "Attended" log.
The event then stays Mega.
That's good! The hard work is getting 500 people into action! The hard work shouldn't be having to wrangle with Groundspeak at the same time!
Groundspeak gets quite a few Mega-wannabe submissions. There was one last year in Germany where the whole event was called off a couple of months in advance due to "illness", which presumably - if true - meant that it was organised by one person and his or her non-gender-specific canine. So they can't just take "we'll have a thousand people, no problem" on trust.
That said, I would hope that if the 2009 UK event looks like being the only one of its size in the country, that it would be able to get its (provisional) Mega status confirmed earlier in the proceedings, now that the UK community has shown that it can mobilise a big crowd.
My comments made on the 31/8/08 were made with the experience of working with UK cachers in the run up to a Mega Event. before that they were made from what we'd read/been told. Experience counts for more
My post is my personal opinion and as such you do not have my permission to quote me outside of these forums!
Brenin Tegeingl
Formerly known as Mancunian Pyrocacher on GC
I'm just trying to get to the bottom of how it all works, that's all I've nothing planned (honest!) but if I was to consider setting one, I'd like to think I would be able to do so, and that I would be supported in doing so
Not by me you won't!!! In fact, given all the talk about how much hard work it is, I can't think why anyone would want to bother! That in itself has got to be offputting! Good luck Birdman (whispers to Birdman ... can we have it in Cornwall around the time of the Red Arrows display) (NB: this post is fully injected with humour and smilies)
So If I get 500ppl to turn up and sign the log, whilst doing something crazy it will be classed as a 'mega event'?
I may have to badger groundspeak to make it a mega event, even if all the criteria is met?
I wonder what a good date would be for a flashmob mega event and more importantly where should it be held! (thinks a little........)
Fraggle, in this "Social Networking" age it would be all too easy to get 500 people to attend a Flashmob by advertising it on Facebook etc - however to get an GC.com event listed, you would have to convince the reviewing team that the event being organised is mainly aimed at Geocachers.
I doubt Groundspeak would upgrade a regular event to a Mega if you held an event where 100 Geocachers turn up, and 401 "muggles".
I think that all the Flashmobs that have been organised so far (I don't mean just geocaching event Flashmobs) have taken place in fairly busy public areas. My impression is that the general public who happen to be in the area at the time should be left feeling rather bewildered (What the h3ll was that all about than? ) but totally unscathed by it all.
I suppose one could organise a Flashmob in some friendly farmer's field, well away from the general public but then it just wouldn't be the same, would it?
I would guess that Groundspeak would require evidence of serious planning for such an Event: Things like permission for use of the chosen site (wherever it was), correspondence with the local Police regarding public safety etc., what First Aid facilities would be available nearby, whether you would be able to provide enough tea and buns... There would be tea and buns, wouldn't there?
I'm not attending otherwise
It would be a stand alone event if it was in a different town on a different day, or even the same town on a different day. No difference to the 5 or so supporting events that were held on the days around this years Mega. I'm sure there's a way to do it should the Mega 09 committee decide to do one
Actually it most probably wouldn't get Mega Status, Groundspeak have already refused Mega status to other events happening around a Mega event. Even though more than 500 people took part, as they decided as it was linked to the Mega event there was no justification for Mega status.
To gain Mega status a event has to stand on it's own merits as one, and not be piggy backed on to a existing Mega Event or even be supported by one No's wise due to the attendee's being in the area for another Mega event.
So the M1 Camping Event BBQ, would possibly have been refused Mega Status if over 500 had attended. Due to it being linked to the M1 event.
The UK Reviewers Teams assumption that you just need over 500 persons to attend to obtain Mega Status was wrong, as I've learned from working with the M1 committee, and have seen other issues raised with Groundspeak by other Reviewers.
See even Reviewers are on the learning curve as far Geocaching goes
My post is my personal opinion and as such you do not have my permission to quote me outside of these forums!
Brenin Tegeingl
Formerly known as Mancunian Pyrocacher on GC
That varies somewhat from the official guidelines for Mega event status...
If GSP aren't going to abide by their own guidelines, what is the point in them even being published ????A regular Event Cache can be changed to a Mega-Event Cache after the fact, if the organizers demonstrate to Groundspeak that more than 500 people attended.
Just going back a couple of sentences within those Guidelines it says, "Among other requirements, the organizers must demonstrate a substantial likelihood that at least 500 people will attend the event. A Mega-Event Cache may be published up to one year prior to the event date. A regular Event Cache can be changed to a Mega-Event Cache after the fact, if the organizers demonstrate to Groundspeak that more than 500 people attended."
That's the "let-out clause" isn't it? - "Among other requirements."
I guess that means that if your regular event cache has over 500 people attending and it complies with the "other requirements" then it "can" be changed to a Mega (but not necessarily will be.)
It appears that Groundspeak consider each application for a Mega event on its individual merits, rather than simply 500+ geocachers together in one place, signing the log, Tally ho! and off you go!
That's just made me think - "I wonder if a Mega Fox Hunt would be do-able?" I understand that the original Fox Hunt covered a wide area of G.B.
But reading the text in full, the "other requirements" clause seems to apply for pre-planned mega's - and not event caches that attract 500 people and are then retrospectively given mega status.........
What are the other requirements. Are they not listed because they're subject to change?Among other requirements, the organizers must demonstrate a substantial likelihood that at least 500 people will attend the event. A Mega-Event Cache may be published up to one year prior to the event date.
Last edited by keehotee; 7th September 2008 at 01:04 PM.
None, but the Hog Roast came very close, I'm waiting for all the logs to finish coming in (and they are still dribbling in) before trying to total up the official number (as I have the Mega Event registration book, therefore I know how many were in each team who logged an attend on the other supporting events).
To answer MrsB.
For my Fox Hunt to be listed as an event, it needed an "open to all" aspect at a fixed time and point. The kind of Fox Hunt's Mark used to run, which went all over the country over a series of days, couldn't easily be listed as a gc.com event under the current guidelines.
And to stir the pot a bit, I believe it was this year's Geowoodstock which had supporting events upgraded to Mega status, suggesting Groundspeak do consider each on a case by case basis.
Don't know.
I surmise* that it's a negotiable situation!
In other words, "Send us your idea. We'll consider it. Then we'll tell you whether it's
"No. No way. Not ever!" or
"OK, that's heading along the right lines for the ususal style of Mega but we'd like you to..." or
"That's a really original concept. We like that one. It needs some further development. What about this aspect of it?..."
If I surmise* correctly then it means that Groundspeak are able to ensure that whatever sort of Mega Event is created it will meet a certain standard that they will be happy with.
[*Just my other way of saying "I've really no idea, just guessing here, but no doubt the UK Mega 2008 Committee would be better able to comment, given their recent experiences of creating a Mega event.] :socool:
I've no plans to set a Mega, but I've always got ideas ticking in my head, so if I was to consider planning a Mega in the future, would I get the full support of the UK reviewing team, bearing in mind I wouldn't be part of a "committee"?
Last edited by PopUpPirate; 7th September 2008 at 02:01 PM.
Something I just found which might be of interest .... not just to you but anyone else considering setting a Mega Event (flash mob or otherwise, as part of a "committee" or not) ...
Quoting from the the cache listing guidelines ....
"Mega-Events are a special designation reserved for only the largest event caches – those which attract geocachers to attend on a regional, national or international level. To qualify as a Mega-Event, the organizers must obtain prior approval from Groundspeak – not from their volunteer cache reviewer. Among other requirements, the organizers must demonstrate a substantial likelihood that at least 500 people will attend the event. A Mega-Event Cache may be published up to one year prior to the event date. A regular Event Cache can be changed to a Mega-Event Cache after the fact, if the organizers demonstrate to Groundspeak that more than 500 people attended."
so ... if I understand that correctly, and I really cannot see any ambiguity within it, it has nothing to do with support or otherwise from the volunteer cache reviewer (due respect) - it is entirely down to Groundspeak. And you also do not have to get a sign up of 500 prior to the event because it can have its status changed after the event.
On a personal note, I say forget all the hassle about getting prior approval. Set a good event, concentrate on making it a truly wonderful occasion for everyone who chooses to attend. If it happens that over 500 people attend (as geocaching grows that is likely to happen without too much effort) apply for Mega status after the event. Do any of us event attendees (or organisers for that matter) really care whether it's a mega event or otherwise? I for one certainly couldn't care less.
NB: Apologies if I have repeated anything already said on this thread. I haven't read it all because I am getting really bored by it all now. I have set enough events with appreciative logs to feel I am qualified to say I know what makes a good event .... and (shouts very loudly) It's not about the numbers!
Sorry Liane you seem to be stating that just getting 500 people to attend means the event automatically gets Mega status. As I've tried to point out the minimum requirement for Mega Status is 500 attendees, it is then at the discretion of Groundspeak to decide whether they will upgrade it or not.I have recently been made aware of a event with well over 500 Attendees which Groundspeak refused to upgrade as they stated it did not qualify.
To make it clear 500 attendees does not guarantee Mega Status. And before anyone says their changing the rules to suit themselves. Everyone who uses any Groundspeak project agrees to the TOU on signing up
Which covers how they decide what events are granted Mega status.Groundspeak may change, suspend, or discontinue any portion of the Site, or any service offered on the Site, at any time, including but not limited to any feature, database, application, or content. Groundspeak may also impose limits on certain features offered on the Site with or without notice.
My post is my personal opinion and as such you do not have my permission to quote me outside of these forums!
Brenin Tegeingl
Formerly known as Mancunian Pyrocacher on GC
I just wonder why we don't know what the other requirements are?
Surely it makes their life easier if they clearly state what the other requirements are so that they do not get loads of enquiries and arguments or disgruntled cachers?
Obviously we all know that a previous cache does not create a precedent but are there guidelines or are we all subject to individuals whims and moods as to what requirements are needed on any given day?