Is there something you want to get off your chest? Have a rant about it here... It'll make you feel better. (Somebody might even sympathise!)
Is there something you want to get off your chest? Have a rant about it here... It'll make you feel better. (Somebody might even sympathise!)
I don't want to hear anything more about Madonna's marriage break up! :wacko:
(Mine's only a half pint of cider, btw)
Didn't he play for Argentina?
Paved Roads: Another fine example of unnecessary Government spending!
Isz that zhe ladee with zee big boobies?
Ho hum!
My meeting finished early so I thought I would catch the earlier flight home .... only to discover it is full.So now have a 4hr wait in Newcastle airport and have just discovered that the arcade games don't work on the iPod touch so won't be able to practice.
Moan for Monday morning
I've just got a third copy of a Christmas catalogue through the post, from a particular charity. The first one arrived at the end of August.
I'll go and moan into my Elevensies coffee... :coffee:
my Monday moan...
back to work after a week on holiday![]()
Happy Caching
- Setting a good example for children takes all the fun out of middle age.
I hope you'll feel able to continue voicing your concerns/complaints/grievances here. Be assured that "Moan into your pint" was selected as a generic heading for this Topic and in no way should it be interpreted as an exclusion order against drinkers of pink gin... black russian... absinthe... poteen... or any other bizarre alcoholic beverage.
Here's your pint of pink gin
(Hope I haven't overdone the Angostura bitters...)
Absolutely, a pint in a unit of measurement of volume and does not neccesarilly mean any particular tipple. Now where's me pint of Baileys.
"I Cache, therefore I am"
Dear Deidre,
I used to participate in something called "Geocaching", however when I returned a little while ago, it seems have turned into "geo-moaning", "geo-politcal", "geo-sense of humour bypass".
Can you tell me where it has gone?
If you have a look at the links provided in markandlynn's post elsewhere on this forum you'll see that there have always been plenty of those characteristics to be found within the geocaching community: In retrospect, they make for an amusing browse but at the time I'm sure the angst meters were showing well into the 'red and critical' section of the dial.
I think the majority of geocachers are still caching, caching well, caching happily...
I'm pretty new to all this but have always had more than my fair share of a sense of humour, much to the annoyance of my long suffering ( but still very beautiful ) wife, ( who sometimes pops in to read this stuff that is keeping me so quiet) so I'd better be complimetary at all times. Except tonight I have been guffawing loudly and she wondered if I were alone in here. I have been reading the logs on link especially the Medicine Cabinet one, and I haven't laughed so much since I beat Tom Mason in the longest bean competition at the Village show in 2006, but that's another story!
To be fair, I don't understand all the politics, or really who's who in here, but it all supposed to be lighthearted, if we all had a humour bypass we would be watching Newsnight instead of being in here.
More of it I say!
Although, with respect, Mrs Blorenge made the point that it was all taken a bit seriously at the time, so maybe we should take everything moany, political (and whatever else Book of Shadows mentioned) with a pinch of celery salt and say we'll look back on this and laugh one day also...
Thank you. :socool:
now where did i leave that hamstercache
For a good laugh have look here
"If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to serve as a horrible warning."
I have a hamstercache all ready to go: Hamster has been trained up and installed ready to be placed, probably this coming weekend (if south Wales isn't under 3ft of snow).
Oh... this isn't a moan, is it?
I like hamsters. Cute little furry things, just the right size for going into caches. More suited to discussion in the Snug really...
Last edited by Mrs Blorenge; 29th October 2008 at 04:47 PM.
Our downstairs bathroom has been ripped out and is being turned into a wetroom etc etc
This morning the plumber turned up to install the loo and wash basin and after unpacking the basin we discovered that we've ended up with the correct style but we have the model which fits into a vanity unit, rather than the stand-alone model which... errrr... stands alone, on a pedestal.
MrsB orders a pint of SBT at the Bar, cos it's too early to turn to the Vodka Blorenge. (Thanks for that one, Jaz666 :socool: )
Because I had to stay in this morning awaiting the replacement wash basin (see above) I thought I'd make use of the time to make chicken kievs from scratch for tea tonight.
Made garlic/parsley/lemon butter.
Made fresh breadcrumbs.
Put chicken breasts into clingfilm and thwaked them into submission with a wooden mallet.
Wrapped them round the chilled butter.
Tied them up into neat little parcels with bits of string.
Dusted them with season flour.
Annointed them with beaten egg.
Enrobed them with the breadcrumbs and put them to 'chill' in the fridge.
I now appreciate why most people just buy them from M&S or wherever :wacko:
And I now have about 6 separate plates/dishes/bowls to be cleared up after all those various stages!
I think I need to 'chill' ...
Last edited by Mrs Blorenge; 19th November 2008 at 02:19 PM.
A friend of mine judges a good resturant as one that does NOT serve Chicken Kievs:wacko:
Happy Caching
- Setting a good example for children takes all the fun out of middle age.
Final verdict: They were very nice... but after all my efforts, they still leaked!
And it was tricky getting the little lengths of string off.
Oh well, never mind.![]()
For all those who don't have anything happy/good/funny to post...
Those who'd rather have a good moan into their pint...
Post away here!
I am very dissapointed with the flipping weather so I think I might just go to his office tomorrow and complain.
That was a very low quality moan - Not enough passion and general anguish.
Must try harder!
Well it's flipping raining again today so obviously he didn't listen to me, not going to bother going to his office again.
A new thread since I went off the reservation! The medical profession generally gets my goat !
1. It took them 40 years to realise that my horrendous snoring, waking up feeling worse than when I went to sleep, getting badly depressed and having terrific nightmares about suffocating were actually a treatable condition -
Eventually the sleep clinic wired me up 30 ways to a mars bar and discovered that I woke up over 200 times a night and stopped breathing at one point for over a minute !
Cured in one stroke with the breathing pump ! not comfortable and it pumps me up overnight with high pressure air (Windy pops can be a problem first thing) But Gee Bleedin Ronimo ! at least 5-6 hours sleep
I can live with that (until I get a cold and chest infection so can't wear the mask and back to square one) But overall a result!! (After 40 years of grief - I was the only lance Corporal in the Army to have his own private room as my snoring was so loud !!)
2. Our best friends the Beauchiefs - Frank has come down in the last few years with Parkinsons - which has affected his legs - he was given 5 or 6 different pills to take which, after about an hour gave him "legs" for about 3 hours - not too good for caching ! He was resigned to this until someone at the clinic told him that he could get the services of a Parkinson's nurse who would come a couple of times a week and help out. She came and was amazed that he hadn't been prescribed one of the newer treatments which only took one pill and he could have "legs" for about 8 hours. He went back to the Doctor and was told that they hadn't prescribed it as they were "happy" with his stabilisation on the pills he was taking. He had a bit of a rant (as you would) and can now walk for at least 5 hours - viz our hols in Wales where he walked for over 50 caches !!!
I used to mildly dislike Quacks - but now I don't like them much at all
Si vis pacem para bellum
My kids finished their A levels yesterday and they're all quite happy with their performance ...
If their optimism proves to be justified then the three of them will be off to uni in September ...
Life is too important to take seriously !
Thanks for reminding me - school hols coming up - Town full of nasty, noisey, ill behaved people (that's the grown ups) and the kids are worse !
Brought up by a victorian grandmother who not only believed that children should sometimes be seen and not heard but mostly not seen either !! - Apart from the permanent mental scars, the twitches and fear of small confined spaces it didn't do us any harm !!!
Si vis pacem para bellum
We have a solution to school holidays, ADULT ONLY caravan site all summer.
Sounds like a plan to me !! (or better still No Sounds other than the breeze, gentle birdsong and the sound of corks being pulled from wine bottles - bliss !!)
Si vis pacem para bellum
oooh a glass of wine...only another two hours at the workplace and then i am going off to the pub. kids will have to see to themselves, theyre old enough.