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Thread: Don't you just hate it when................

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Default Don't you just hate it when................

    someone visits your Travel bug Hotel and cleans it out of ALL the bugs and they leave nothing

    I also hate the sound of vacumn cleaners, but thats another story

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    The goal of the TB supercedes the cache "rules".

    By imposing swapping rules you are creating a TB prison.
    "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to serve as a horrible warning."

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Ashbourne, Derbyshire


    Quote Originally Posted by Wadders View Post
    I also hate the sound of vacumn cleaners, but thats another story
    Sounds like you've been visited by a Geo-Vacuum Cleaner
    "I Cache, therefore I am"

  4. #4

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    Quote Originally Posted by markandlynn View Post
    The goal of the TB supercedes the cache "rules".

    By imposing swapping rules you are creating a TB prison.
    I understand where you are coming from, but this is a frequently visited cache and if a tb were stuck in there for any extended period of time, i would quite happily move it on myself.

    I have never ever totally cleared out a tb hotel, nor would I, just does not seem the right thing to do IMHO.

  5. #5

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wadders View Post
    I understand where you are coming from, but this is a frequently visited cache and if a tb were stuck in there for any extended period of time, i would quite happily move it on myself.

    I have never ever totally cleared out a tb hotel, nor would I, just does not seem the right thing to do IMHO.
    It might be an idea to put that on the cache page a sort of please try to swap TB's line if you can, and a promise to move any TB's that are left behind for more than a few visits. :socool:
    "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to serve as a horrible warning."

  6. #6
    active cacher Guest


    I always thought that "The Rules" were.... trade up, trade even or don't trade.... surely that must mean TB's too. If you want to take one, and don't have a trade, that's fine if you know the mission and can help it along, or just take one that catches your eye but to swipe a stash from the TB hotel is just a bit rude.... You know it's a bug Hotel before you get there, be a Boy Scout, come prepared!!!
    Rant over, just my humble oppinion.

  7. #7
    active cacher Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by markandlynn View Post
    The goal of the TB supercedes the cache "rules".

    By imposing swapping rules you are creating a TB prison.
    Just read that link and although I completely agree in principle, I think the point Wadders was making was a very sensible one about TB stash swipes, not imprisioning them all....
    Liberate a few but taking the last one is spoiling it for the next cacher.hmy:

  8. #8

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    Quote Originally Posted by active cacher View Post
    Just read that link and although I completely agree in principle, I think the point Wadders was making was a very sensible one about TB stash swipes, not imprisioning them all....
    Liberate a few but taking the last one is spoiling it for the next cacher.hmy:
    I'd go along with that.
    I have a Geocaching problem...
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    * Cache Walker -Caching by byway, not highway!
    Walking and Caching in Warwickshire, Worcestershire, Gloucestershire areas

  9. #9

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    I know this has happened to me too I had at least 12 TBs taken from my Durham Bug Hotel and not one left

    I understand they are not trades and they are there to move along, but to empty the whole cache and not leave a single one seems a bit unfair/greedy and spoiling it for the next person there.

    I visit my Bug Box at least once a month and what ever I have picked up while out and about goes in to that cache, if anything had been there for a while I would move it along myself, but I have never had to as it is a well visited cache.

    I know of a Scottish Travel Bug / Coin Hotel when the cache was placed there were 19 travellers in it, after the first 2 visitors there were none at all..........

  10. #10

    Join Date
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    I'm going to sit on the fence with this one because I agree with most of the comments made. Yes, TBs and geocoins are not supposed to be treated in the same way as other 'swap' items, according to the Rules*/Guidelines*/Generally accepted etiquette* of playing this geocaching game. Officially*, it's not wrong to take all the trackables from any cache as long as you can move them on and help them on their travels.
    However, I know what you mean about folks who clear out all the trackables in the box - if there are several available, then it seems rather 'unsporting' to take the whole lot without leaving anything for the next visitor.

    *Delete as you feel appropriate

  11. #11

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    There is a TB hotel up the road from me where the owner insists that for every TB you take - you leave one.

    It seems to work as its never empty
    Happy Caching


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  12. #12

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    Quote Originally Posted by gazooks View Post
    There is a TB hotel up the road from me where the owner insists that for every TB you take - you leave one.

    It seems to work as its never empty
    I pity the least interesting TB that gets stuck there for months on end.

    I say move 'em, but don't take them all.

  13. #13

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wadders View Post
    someone visits your Travel bug Hotel and cleans it out of ALL the bugs and they leave nothing

    I also hate the sound of vacumn cleaners, but thats another story
    GolfCaddyPro and Son of GCP seem to enjoy visiting travel bug hotels! It looks like they've visited 8 in their current trip here from France and not too much else. I'm sure the bugs will be placed, but they're off to France or Poland (from some of the logs I've seen). I'm sure some of the owners will be pleased to see them move to the continent, but I agree, it was very greedy to take all the coins and bugs. They do leave bugs sometimes though.

  14. #14

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    Surrey, near Heathrow


    Quote Originally Posted by Wadders View Post
    someone visits your Travel bug Hotel and cleans it out of ALL the bugs and they leave nothing
    It all depends whether you think TBs are released for the benefit of the TB owners or for the benefit of cache owners. In my own view it's the former.

    TB's are for travelling, not for sitting in caches. I think it's very undesirable for a cache to hold a lot of bugs at the same time, as some of them are likely to get stuck for a long time.

    Assuming the cachers who took them are moving them on (i.e. they haven't stolen them) they are doing what the TB owners wish. They probably left none because they were holding none at the time.

    Rgds, Andy

  15. #15

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    Quote Originally Posted by Stuey View Post
    GolfCaddyPro and Son of GCP seem to enjoy visiting travel bug hotels! It looks like they've visited 8 in their current trip here from France and not too much else. I'm sure the bugs will be placed, but they're off to France or Poland (from some of the logs I've seen). I'm sure some of the owners will be pleased to see them move to the continent, but I agree, it was very greedy to take all the coins and bugs. They do leave bugs sometimes though.
    I have had emails from mum of son of gcp, and dad of son of gcp (good job i haven't hit the wine yet).
    Son of gcp is 8, and took all the TB's, however they had none to swap at the time.
    I agree that i like to see TB's moved on, hence it is near the airport, so that some can get off to climates afar.
    My main concern was that they were genuine cachers (which they are) as i had a log on the cache recently which said someone had visited the cache and removed the tb's. When i visited the cache there was no entry in the logbook and all the tb's were there so i removed the log. So i am wary and I do have a sense of responsibility for the cache and the tb's within.
    I would hate to see any tb's dissapear when they are in one of my caches.

    ps I also hate the sound of vacumn cleaners.....hate them! I know i allready told you that, i just hate them a lot

  16. #16

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    I can't see a problem with clearing out all the bugs. OK, it might be disappointing for someone who turns up the same day and finds that the bug they were hoping to move on has already moved (it's happened to me more than once), but that can happen at any cache.

    Assuming that the TB Prison Escape Committee follows etiquette (quick logs, move all bugs on rapidly), it seems to be a charitable gesture to take so many TB's at once.

    I've had the situation where someone has visited and taken three out of the four travel bugs, leaving my bug still in place. "What's wrong with mine?" I thought - it had been stuck there for weeks!

    I suppose it might disappoint someone who was wanting to get lots of geocoin icons all at once, but I feel that this is a sub-game and not the main point of caching.

  17. #17

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wadders View Post
    ... ps I also hate the sound of vacumn cleaners.....hate them! I know i allready told you that, i just hate them a lot
    So does Maisie, our Cocker Spaniel. As soon as Mrs A touches the handle of the cupboard under the stairs, where the cleaner is kept, Maisie tears right through the house to my computer room and hides under the workbench by my feet until it's finished and she hears the cupboard door close again.

    Rgds, Andy

  18. #18

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wadders View Post
    I also hate the sound of vacumn cleaners, but thats another story
    In that case, do not visit this profile :lol:

  19. #19


    ... when folks spend all day indoors arguing about the rules of geocaching instead of going out there and finding them h34r:

  20. #20
    Fluffy's Revenge Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by markandlynn View Post
    The goal of the TB supercedes the cache "rules".
    How anal is that?

    When will people appreciate there are no geocaching rules, only approaches that individuals choose to buy in to or to ignore.


  21. #21

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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluffy's Revenge View Post
    How anal is that?

    When will people appreciate there are no geocaching rules, only approaches that individuals choose to buy in to or to ignore.

    On the bright side at least groundspeak have put the rule in writing this time :socool:
    "If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to serve as a horrible warning."

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