Just thought some might be interested, I have now got the final draft of the guidelines as required for caches placed on land owned or managed by Hampshire County Council Countryside Services.
They are so close to those already applied by Geocaching, we have lost very little, if anything.
- Ensure the cache container is clearly marked, stating that the content is harmless and giving the placers e-mail address or other contact method.
- Only items that would be deemed safe and acceptable for an unaccompanied child to find should be placed in the cache.
- No cache may be placed in such a way as to risk damage or disturbance to any Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) or Scheduled Ancient Monument (SAM). Protect our heritage.
- When placing a cache on a right of way, the onus is on the placer to seek the permission of the landowner.
- No items of food or drink of any kind should be placed in the cache.
- Caches must not be buried. Holes must not be dug in order to place a cache.
- Caches must not be hidden in animal holes or runs.
- Cache containers must not be placed inside a polythene bag.
- Fences should never be crossed when placing or seeking a cache.
- No caches should be of a commercial nature, either in location or content.
- After placing a cache on countryside sites, the site manager must be informed to ensure that the cache does not compromise the management of the site.
- Maintenance of the cache is the responsibility of the placer.
- When leaving the cache site, after finding or hiding a cache, there must be no visual sign of disturbance.
- For reasons of safety and security Hampshire County Council discourage geocaching on their land during the hours of darkness.
- Please do not bring geocaching into disrepute, never drive your car anywhere other than on the highways and byways, and always park sensibly in approved places only.
Bear in mind that these are only for HCC land, but obviously, they would make very reasonable guidelines for the whole of the UK, there is only one point missing which is that no caches should be placed in or an a dry stone wall, but Hampshire doesn't have any dry stone walls.