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Thread: Advice wanted - Did not Find's?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    barrow in furness

    Default Advice wanted - Did not Find's?

    What is the general rule for posting "did not find"s?. I realise that if I am looking for a traditional cache, and do not locate it I post a DNF on the cache page, but what is the rule if I am working on a multi or puzzle cache and may have been out collecting the answers to the questions but havent looked for the final cache, do I post a DNF or do I wait to post any response to the page until I have looked for the final co-ordinates. I have had a couple where I have run out of time or started looking to late in the day, so not sure what to do

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    S. E. Wales


    For a multi or puzzle cache we wouldn't normally post any DNF until we'd hunted for the final cache... and DNFed it.

    However, cachers will often post a note to a cache page if they're working on a rather long or complex puzzle or multi, especially if it's a new one that's not been found. It can be interesting for the cache owner to see who's progressing through the questions/puzzles and to know whether they're near to solving it.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Land of the Bear and Ragged Staff!


    Unless you can't find part of a multi, don't bother posting.

    If you want to post a note, saying you have the clues up to a certain point, you can.

    I often do local multi caches "In passing"
    ie. If I'm passing part of a multi stage I get those clues, and work out the next stage at home, then get that stage when I'm passing!

    I have a few multi caches now, with the correct final co-ordinates, just waiting to be found. :lol:
    I have a Geocaching problem...
    Work gets in the way!

    * Cache Walker -Caching by byway, not highway!
    Walking and Caching in Warwickshire, Worcestershire, Gloucestershire areas

  4. #4
    zwei ormers Guest


    DNFs are most useful when you've looked for a cache or stage in a multi and can't find it - it allows the owner (and subsequent cachers) to know that it may have gone missing.

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