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Thread: Ziploc Bags

  1. #1
    60north Guest


    Do you use ziploc bags?

    Where do you get them from?

    I have found a company that sells them by the thousand, at just under a tenner, but then the postage is another tenner!

    Need a better source I think!


  2. #2
    BugznElm'r Guest


    Who did you find for a tenner/1000?

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    A thousand?! Looks like a few new caches might be appearing, then. Let's see, 5 bags per cache, say, at the most, which gives... 200 new caches... Wow!
    ​​Do not go gentle into that good night.
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light. (Dylan Thomas)​

  4. #4
    60north Guest


    Just searched through Google for UK packaging companies. I didn't note the name I'm afraid.

    There are also a lot of stationery companies selling them in their catalogues. Some of their prices are ridiculous, but they give large discounts to companies, so for those that can refund the company they work for, it might be an idea.

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