Looking for a definitive list, if there isnt one, please add your favourite acronyms here.
CITO: Cache in Trash out
GAGB: Geocaching Association of Great Britain
FTF: First to find
Over to you...
Looking for a definitive list, if there isnt one, please add your favourite acronyms here.
CITO: Cache in Trash out
GAGB: Geocaching Association of Great Britain
FTF: First to find
Over to you...
Have a look HERE
Often sign off from a Needs Maint log with NHB especially if I know what the cache owners are like for maintaining their caches.
'Not Holding Breath'
Last edited by DrDick&Vick; 30th January 2011 at 10:34 PM.
I always sign my online logs finishing with
Which is Thanks for the Cache (This is very popular!)
Took nothing left nothing (Or I put in this bit what I took or swapped)
Signed Log
There are a lot more, see what others say!
Did Not Bother To Look - for a location that really (really) is bad....
I've always wondered why people bother to write TNLN and SL.
If I took something or left something then I'd say so. Doing neither is surely the default and goes without saying.
I thought a log book had to be signed so writing that I signed the log also seems pointless. If the log can't be signed because of it's condition (too wet etc) then I'll write something.
Perhaps it is now but I don't think it was always so.
When I started caching there was a greater proportion of large caches, and a higher standard of swaps, so the default for me in the early days was to swap something and I think that was the default for lots of cachers back then; hence when I stopped swapping I started writing TNLN as I saw it as a departure from the norm, now I write that out of habit.
I also put SL, again out of habit, but if you argue that doing so is redundant then writing anything is redundant unless you have a particular tale to tell about your adventure, and then your default online log would simply be blank, you don't need to say "I found it" or "it's well hidden" etc., admittedly a log that simply says TNLNSL is as good as blank in many peoples eyes but there you go...