There seems to be very little input from the "ordinary" member. Of the 15 questions, only 5 have been asked by members outside of either the nominees standing for election or those nominated but declined.
Is anyone outside of the committee even interested in what the GAGB does?
With just 4 days until voting opens, I have no idea what each candidate is going to bring to the committee.
Once the Chair was elected, I would have liked to see just a couple of questions which are relevant to what the GAGB does, asking the nominees how they will help the GAGB to fulfil it's duty to it's members and perhaps a short statement from each nominee saying where their expertise lies.
When the committee is in place, then is the time to review where it is at and perhaps draw up some kind of mission statement and a statement of intent on what they are proposing over the next twelve months.
Maybe at some point you need to send out a questionnaire to all members asking for feedback.. not an open question session saying "what would you like us to do?" but more of a "This is what we, the GAGB already do.. these are our proposals for the next twelve months.. how well are we doing this and how can we improve?"