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Thread: Enthusiasm!?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Warfield, Berkshire

    Question Enthusiasm!?

    We've had 4 full days of hustings, but only a handful of us have got properly stuck into the debate with postings in double digits.

    I don't think I agree with anyone on everything - undoubtedly a good thing - but on the basis of our debate to date, I feel it would be a travesty if Geocaching Womble, Mollyjak and Team Microdot were not elected, because they have shown great commitment and enthusiasm. I'd obviously include myself too!

    In addition, I can see daddyanddude and keehotee taking a progressive line if elected to our committee.

    I'm struggling a little with The Wombles - clearly by far the most experienced hand, and providing appropriate replies - but seemingly lacking the fire, motivation and enthusiasm to make GAGB progressive. So, directly to The Wombles: Are you presenting yourself as a 'safe pair of hands', or do you feel GAGB is behind the times and needs to shift into higher gears to get ahead? If the latter, what would you do to achieve this?

    I'm struggling a lot more with *geocass* and Countrymatters. *geocass* has barely turned up for our hustings (though there's still time to do so) and stated the fairly obvious that she would be webmaster, and Countrymatters appears rather one-dimensional and pre-occupied only with Seeker. So, directly to both of you: have you just turned up to stake your claims to your current roles, or are you brimming with enthusiasm to get stuck in and drive GAGB forward? If the latter, what would you do to achieve this?

    I am a little disappointed with Bobo Frett and JackieC: I liked your sole contributions, but I'm really doubting your commitment.

    I'm disappointed that Walker Clan and Zomblou are admittedly not relishing these hustings and am wondering what their expectations are? If you're not enthused to put your ideas across now, then are you really committed to doing so for the year ahead?

    I'm utterly convinced that Northking isn't really interested: his election statement was late and no show to our hustings, together with practically no engagement with GAGB since joining 2 years ago. I'm sure the people who nominated Northking know someone who is usually must more enthusiastic, otherwise they'd not have proposed him....If he's the same Northking who is very prolific in Munzee then it's a shame. I think Munzee needs special attention as they are outside the fold and don't consider their game to be related to Geocaching. In my view, this is likely to become a problem and an instantly recognisable insider would be more credible than anyone else in tackling this.

  2. #2
    keehotee Guest


    I had similar thoughts as well....

    What has surprised me are the number of suggestions and comments for change. Where were they 9 months ago when the constitution and role of the GAGB was being discussed?

    TBH, people are going to vote one of three ways: 1) for their mate, regardless of policy, 2) for last years committee ( see above), or 3) as a novelty, for someone whose comments here have impressed them. This isn't unique to these's human nature.
    I'm also a little surprised (not) and disappointed at how many of this years committee - after spending the year telling us there wasn't anything wrong with the GAGB - are only now at election time asking the membership what they would like to see done differently and how things could be improved.

  3. #3

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    Apr 2010


    Maybe I do seem to be one-dimensional. But Seeker was my original idea, and it's how I can most effectively contribute. I don't profess to abilities I don't have, and can only hope that those who are asking the questions now can cut the mustard when it comes to it. We'll see. In my experience, those who talk the most usually have the least to contribute, especially those who like the sound of their own opinion.

    Apart from anything else, I've spent the last four days ill in bed, and what I have posted, I've done from there. Now, I'm leaving the country, and won't be back until after the election.

    For the avoidance of doubt, I have at least another six months work to do on a PhD thesis before I am fully available. So, if that renders me useless, so be it. I'm happy to let the members decide how useful my one dimension is.
    Isn't it amazing what you don't see, when you don't know what you're looking for?
    The past is history; the future is a story yet to be told; write it well.

  4. #4

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    Quote Originally Posted by sandvika View Post
    I'm disappointed that Walker Clan and Zomblou are admittedly not relishing these hustings and am wondering what their expectations are? If you're not enthused to put your ideas across now, then are you really committed to doing so for the year ahead?
    I really don't see what gives you the right to decide on my level of enthusiasm. I am as enthusiastic as ever and in my reply to LFC4eva I was pointing out that it isn't possible to judge whether people are committed, enthusiastic or in fact able to get things done by the answers they give to questions. You've proved my point entirely. I have in fact replied to several of the questions but only where I felt I could make a practical suggestion. I'm prepared to let the members decide who to vote for and I'm sure that they won't be fooled by your ploy to influence them.

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    Carterton Oxon


    Ah, don't you love the smell of "mug slinging" in the morning - wondered when it would start - not disappointed, and glad am well out of it ! let's forget the issues and get stuck in to the insults - Terry has done a magnificent job on Seeker, and also is a great envoy in the highlands and islands - Cass has done a terrific job on the computers and both have contributed a great deal to the GAGB generally - if any of the new prospective committee members can do as good a job then good oh ! I know that the current committee is out of favour but just because some of us are grumpy old dinosaurs PLEASE don't forget that the members standing for re-election have done vast amounts of work to try and help cachers generally and a lot of the "high profile" issues are, in the main, hot air generated by persons with axes to grind so let's not get carried away and throw the babies out with the bath water !!!
    Si vis pacem para bellum

  6. #6

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    Quote Originally Posted by sandvika View Post
    I don't think I agree with anyone on everything - undoubtedly a good thing - but on the basis of our debate to date, I feel it would be a travesty if Geocaching Womble, Mollyjak and Team Microdot were not elected, because they have shown great commitment and enthusiasm. I'd obviously include myself too!
    Thank you for the vote of confidence although I have to be honest - my enthusiasm is rapidly waning.

    I posted on a new friend's wall last night and stated something I had been doing that evening ( phoning an irate farmer which has been satisfactorily sorted today and I have emails to prove should anyone want to see it). I was then asked by Tony Pinnington
    "I still cant see why this was posted in public" and "is it just self promotion?"
    I made a mistake and perhaps I should have sent it as a Private message and to Tony I apologise and also to the new Facebook friend ;-)
    I then deleted the full post after stating what I was going to do.

    If I want to self promote I could post in the 20ish Facebook groups I belong to asking for votes - but I won't.
    I could post on my own wall asking for votes - but I won't.

    This is the wrong place to post and sorry sandvika, but I am still so annoyed and upset by comments made by someone who knows me - I just wonder what is the point?????

    I am not after any sympathy comments and my enthusiam will be back tomorrow and I will continue to do what I can when I can for Geocaching whether as part of the GAGB Committee or as a GAGB member.

  7. #7

    Join Date
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    Anywhere the mood takes us


    Having just read this thread I have to admit that I am glad that I declined my nomination.
    I spent 30months or so on the committee and am sitting here wondering where all these members/cachers were when we were looking for assistance during that period, so many ideas and plans for the future.
    Since Seeker was started we asked for contributions but apart from two or three articles issues were filled with contributions from committee members.
    Plenty of 'Why don't you do this?' Why wasn't this done?' never any good words though.
    Whoever is elected I wish you well and hope that all of this enthusiasm is not destroyed by the complacency of the membership.

  8. #8

    Join Date
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    Carterton Oxon


    I agree with you and Lill, Richard - I am glad Lill is standing as she has been a tower of strength at the various events we attended this year - she is definitely not a self publicist and a very hard a loyal committee worker
    Si vis pacem para bellum

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Sep 2012


    I'm almost speechless - almost

    This Q&A has been full of What can you do for GAGB - what have you done for GAGB - what are you going to do for GAGB and how are you going to it and what haven't you done for GAGB and why?

    And the moment someone working on behalf of the GAGB opens their mouth to mention something they've done - they are in the wrong?

    And so I'm left asking myself - how is anyone going to motivate themselves to vote for this - given that I wouldn't vote for it myself! :

    And why shouldn't candidates promote themselves anyway? Isn't this a natural part of EVERY election campaign?

    Quote Originally Posted by mollyjak View Post
    Thank you for the vote of confidence although I have to be honest - my enthusiasm is rapidly waning.

    I posted on a new friend's wall last night and stated something I had been doing that evening ( phoning an irate farmer which has been satisfactorily sorted today and I have emails to prove should anyone want to see it). I was then asked by Tony Pinnington
    "I still cant see why this was posted in public" and "is it just self promotion?"
    I made a mistake and perhaps I should have sent it as a Private message and to Tony I apologise and also to the new Facebook friend ;-)
    I then deleted the full post after stating what I was going to do.

    If I want to self promote I could post in the 20ish Facebook groups I belong to asking for votes - but I won't.
    I could post on my own wall asking for votes - but I won't.

    This is the wrong place to post and sorry sandvika, but I am still so annoyed and upset by comments made by someone who knows me - I just wonder what is the point?????

    I am not after any sympathy comments and my enthusiam will be back tomorrow and I will continue to do what I can when I can for Geocaching whether as part of the GAGB Committee or as a GAGB member.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    I don't really like to get involved with all the mud slinging. I've turned up and been reading discussions but not contributed. I've put my CV forward and said what I will do for the GAGB and it's my firm belief that a better website will help the GAGB develop. If I'm elected i'll follow through and deliver a new website. If I'm not then I won't.
    My Geocaching Blog:

  11. #11

    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Election

    This thread has been pointed out to me by another.
    I am someone who visits Forums irregularly. I have bookmarked the candidates questions and answers thread and cannot see any questions posted there, it is clear that I have done this incorrectly.
    Regarding interest/enthusiasm in the GAGB and this forum, I point you to the GAGB Facebook group where I am active and pro-active member. If my election statement was 'late' then it would not have been allowed. That is an incorrect statement and needs to be withdrawn. There is always someone who is the last to enter a race, this does not mean that they will not win.
    I would suggest that your (Sandvika) assertion that candidates who do not post on here show a lack of interest or involvement is incorrect and sadly shows a lack of team spirit and divisiveness.
    In answer to your 'off topic' comment about Munzee, yes of course I am one and the same, I do not have any need to change my persona. Yes, I have engaged with Munzee from the early beginnings and been in contact with the developers. I have brought the game forward in the UK until such a time that I saw the boundaries being merged, the game playing being abused and the response from the development team was dismissive. I am keeping a watching brief on Munzee, and although I do not usually post stats on forums believe that I am still in the top 100 players. Recently however, after my visit to Cartmel I decided that I would concentrate my efforts on Geocaching and in particular raising the profile of the GAGB.
    If you feel that I am an unworthy candidate then that is your choice, I believe that I have something positive to bring to this game and to this association or I would not have accepted the nomination. I do hope that you can rise above your ill-informed comments and negativity should we both be elected as the GAGB clearly needs a committee to drive forward and be there for the players, not to sit back and pick fault from within.

  12. #12

    Join Date
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    West Lothian, Scotland



    Now, for the record I've been working away for the last few days and despite the hotel supposing to have wifi, it didn't. I'm just back.

    Also, I thought I'd been away for a couple of days, not over a week as it looks like I've completely missed the elections.
    Well done Sandvika for being elected.

    So Sandvika, I thank you for my 'school report, but please tell me what level of enthusiam do you require of me?
    Oh, and what level of proof would satisfy you?
    Do I have to provide a minimum number of postings to the Q&A?
    Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better. - Samuel Beckett

  13. #13

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Chippenham, Wiltshire


    Roderick, I think our members are capable of deciding who they want to vote for.

    Caching since 2001
    Founder member of GAGB (2003)
    Committee (2003-2013)
    Chair of GAGB (2010-2012)
    Negotiator of 18 Landowner Agreements
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  14. #14

    Join Date
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    Warfield, Berkshire


    The reason I started this thread was because these hustings had not really come to life, unlike the Chairman hustings, seemingly reflecting that some of the candidates are only luke warm and not passionate about the role.

    I thought it might shake it up and get it going. Maybe in future the hustings can be chaired, to ensure that everyone has their say. I don't think this is 'mud slinging'. I'm not going to apologise for summarising the way I saw things: to me it just seems appropriate that all candidates should answer the questions that have been posed, otherwise there's no point in having a week of hustings and we might as well go from nomination directly to the vote!

    George Bernard Shaw said "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man."

    I'm not going to apologise for being unreasonable. I've made no secret of the fact that I'm ambitious for GAGB. I hope my enthusiasm is viewed positively.

    @countrymatters Have a nice trip, I hope if you are re-elected that you can contribute in other ways between issues of Seeker.


    Quote Originally Posted by Zomblou View Post
    I really don't see what gives you the right to decide on my level of enthusiasm. I am as enthusiastic as ever...
    Quote Originally Posted by Zomblou View Post
    It feels like that to me too and the longer it goes on the less enthusiatic I feel about joining this 'team'.
    @Mollyjak I'm really sorry you've been getting grief and hope you will bounce back from it.

    @*geocass* Welcome. It would be nice to see what you've completed in the past year up on the web site.

    Quote Originally Posted by *geocass* View Post
    If I'm elected i'll follow through and deliver a new website. If I'm not then I won't.
    It would seem tantamount to blackmail if you won't deliver what you have already completed, unless you are re-elected. I assume this is not what you meant!

    @northking Welcome, I am pleased you are here and pleased to see you have jumped in. I think your Munzee experience could be valuable. Far from off-topic, it's relevant as at least one wood where there is a permissive caching agreement in place has been swamped by Munzees, potentially jeopardising our caching agreement as they don't comply with it.
    Last edited by Maple Leaf; 16th November 2012 at 11:16 PM. Reason: Added CV/manifesto
    The hustings were underway as of 00:00 on 16th November. Your election statement appeared 23 hours later, though you'd had days to prepare it and submit it in advance, as everyone else did. That's what I meant by late. It was all I had to go on at the time. I don't feel the need to withdraw my reference to something that is a matter of record.

    I don't see how a lack of participation can be interpreted as anything other than lack of interest and involvement. These are hustings, contrasting candidates, not creating team spirit. Once our committee has been elected, is the time to build the team and collaborate effectively.

    However, as you've now made a significant contribution to the debate, obviously my comments no longer apply. Thank you.

    @JackieC Welcome back. Thanks for your copious sarcasm. I look forward to seeing your replies to the questions. I have been away too and have not had wifi either. GAGB forums use very little bandwidth so I have simply been accessing them via my phone.

    @The Wombles See intro.

  15. #15

    Join Date
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    The Mendips, Somerset


    Quote Originally Posted by sandvika View Post

    The hustings were underway as of 00:00 on 16th November. Your election statement appeared 23 hours later.....
    You are correct quoting that I added northking's CV/Manifesto at 11.16pm but that was because I was unable to add it earlier (and I don't recall setting a deadline for receiving them).

    I had spent the day working and the evening squashed into a train on the way back from 3 days in London ... my reserved seat was double booked (we played snap with our tickets!). After nearly 2hrs standing in one position, I was able to get enough space to actually sit down on the floor in the corridor of the train ........ not the best place to start adding to the forums!

    I arrived back home about 10.45pm, had a cup of tea and spoke to my husband ... and then started on my GAGB work.
    GAGB member since 2005
    GAGB Committee member 2010 to 2016 (Chair 2012 to 2015)
    UK Mega Event Chairman 2009 (Weston-super-Mare)

  16. #16

    Join Date
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    Anywhere the mood takes us


    ??? What can be said ???

  17. #17

    Join Date
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    Here and there


    Sometimes it is a case of 'Who promises less can deliver more of their promises'
    Will be interesting to look back in 12mths time and see who delivered what they promised and who failed.

  18. #18

    Join Date
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    Gt. Limber. Lincs


    The original post I'm sure was meant to stir up debate but how can we propose to be the face of a welcoming and informative association when all forum readers see is this?

    I haven't been on recently which is why I have not replied. I try and time manage and read/reply to all the posts in one hit.

    I have followed the forums here for the last year and have contributed to some threads where I have felt my opinion is relevant.

    I do not believe in pointing fingers, I do not believe in naming and shaming people.

    We hunt for tupperware. We take people outdoors to enjoy beautiful scenery, find amazing geological features, we build communities.

    Why, why on earth must we be aggressive in this most peaceful of hobbies? I don't associate with those who like to 'stir' in my personal life and I don't want to do it on here. Sure, if we were in politics then that is part and parcel. We are in plastics though. I don't want to be a part of an organisation where people are slated publicly, it's awful. I've seen a lot of anger within these pages and elsewhere directed at those involved in the GAGB and this thread isn't helping to eliminate that.

    As an aside, over the last year I have had personal dealings with both Countrymatters and The Wombles and I have found them to be a credit to the GAGB. Warm, friendly, informative and happy to share their knowledge and experience.

  19. #19

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    As someone who participated in the chairman discussions and was late to that, I think the original posting is a bit disingenous even though it may have been done to try to ignite discussion.

    I was "late" to the chairman discussions because I wanted to read and understand the candidate CVs and their position based on some of the answers they gave. This allowed me to formulate my own questions which I know were of use to me and I hope to others.

    People have lives outside geocaching and often work gets in the way. I have not been able to read these forums for the best part of two days as the job I do means I cannot always access the Internet (even on a personal phone).

    I have no doubt that all of the candidates have a level of enthusiasm for becoming a committee member, otherwise, why would they put themselves forward ? Agreed, it may appear that some have differing levels of enthusiasm but that could simply be the medium.

    As I said in the chair discussions, there is a deadline for discussions to be had and for voting to start - if a candidate cannot comment on a discussion immediately but comes back after a period of time with a discussion/comment/argument which show as they fully understand the situation and the repercussions of it, then that can only be of use to the whole community.

    If the committee is transparent in the future with regular status updates, we will be able to know what each committee member is doing/has doing.

    Please do not let this degenerate to personal attacks/mudslinging as that will only create future problems.

  20. #20

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    Anywhere the mood takes us


    I feel that this thread is now no longer beneficial to the image of the GAGB and is probably doing more harm than good.
    I would suggest that this is now toned down before it drives any possible new members away, personally I am proud of what I achieved for the GAGB while I was in office and only left due to what I saw as non support from the membership over certain matters. Hopefully the new influx of members will be ,ore supportive of a new committee and give them the support they need to do the task required over the following year. What needs to be realised is that there are some tasks that require DAILY attention and therefore require a considerable commitment from the committee member who is tasked with them. Having done many of the tasks during my time I know only too well how much is involved, that the membership do not see.
    So may I ask simply that all candidates please keep this section civil and stick to answering the questions that are asked.
    We have lost one candidate and I would hate to see any others drop out and leave it as an automatic 8 in with no election process.

  21. #21

    Join Date
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    newcastle upon tyne (cullercoats)


    Please can we all relax abit, lets not lose sight of the fact that we are all here because we enjoy geocaching .

  22. #22

    Join Date
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    Dorset ... of course!


    This thread has been very enlightening, it's narrowed the field a little

  23. #23

    Join Date
    Jan 1970


    Quote Originally Posted by mollyjak View Post
    Thank you for the vote of confidence although I have to be honest - my enthusiasm is rapidly waning.

    I posted on a new friend's wall last night and stated something I had been doing that evening ( phoning an irate farmer which has been satisfactorily sorted today and I have emails to prove should anyone want to see it). I was then asked by Tony Pinnington
    "I still cant see why this was posted in public" and "is it just self promotion?"
    I made a mistake and perhaps I should have sent it as a Private message and to Tony I apologise and also to the new Facebook friend ;-)
    I then deleted the full post after stating what I was going to do.

    If I want to self promote I could post in the 20ish Facebook groups I belong to asking for votes - but I won't.
    I could post on my own wall asking for votes - but I won't.

    This is the wrong place to post and sorry sandvika, but I am still so annoyed and upset by comments made by someone who knows me - I just wonder what is the point?????

    I am not after any sympathy comments and my enthusiam will be back tomorrow and I will continue to do what I can when I can for Geocaching whether as part of the GAGB Committee or as a GAGB member.
    Lilian, I am glad your still standing. My questions to you should have also been in PM. I apologise.

  24. #24

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    Quote Originally Posted by sandvika View Post

    I'm not going to apologise for being unreasonable.
    Are there any circumstances under which you would apologise for being unreasonable?

  25. #25

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mongoose39uk View Post
    Lilian, I am glad your still standing. My questions to you should have also been in PM. I apologise.

    Apology accepted and thank you Tony - much appreciated

  26. #26

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    Warfield, Berkshire


    Quote Originally Posted by Zomblou View Post
    Are there any circumstances under which you would apologise for being unreasonable?
    Absolutely. I expected candidates to rise to my challenge and prove my original post wrong by positive example. Northking has: I'd like to buy him a beer when the opportunity arises.:cheers: Perhaps others have, since I've now got a little catching up to do after Parish Council duties. However expecting all to do so was evidently an unreasonable expectation because of what occurred in practice.

    I am naturally disappointed that this thread lowered rather than raised our debate. I should have realised this was the more likely outcome and acted differently. Thus I'd like to apologise to all our members and to my fellow candidates for causing this fractious situation and for my part in it. My intent to encourage greater debate was sincere, but my method was inappropriate and I am truly sorry.

  27. #27

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    I didn't vote for sandvika in the election for Chairman but, if he was unsuccessful, I fully intended to vote for him as a committee member. After seeing his first post in this thread ..... no way.
    Last edited by MBFace; 24th November 2012 at 12:18 AM. Reason: Clarification

  28. #28

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    Quote Originally Posted by MBFace View Post
    I didn't vote for sandvika in the election for Chairman but, if he was unsuccessful, I fully intended to vote for him as a committee member. After seeing his first post in this thread ..... no way.
    I respect your decision and if I am elected it won't influence me in my actions in the slightest.

    If this were a popularity contest, then I would not have bothered standing as I have plenty else to keep me fully occupied. However, I would like this election to be about securing the best possible future for our association.

    There's an old joke about The English Breakfast: the hen was merely involved, whereas the pig was committed. I think anyone who has served on a committee or been closely associated with one will relate to this joke. There are those who provide the driving force, some who may be along for the ride, and others who are semi-detached. I'd like this election to be about choosing eight pigs and no hens - that's got be be best for our association!

    I don't think it is possible to discern merely from election statements, where an individual candidate will fall along the spectrum between hen and pig, which is why, in my election statement, I asked for our members to read our hustings. I also asked for a link to our debate to be placed in our ballot invitations and thank Maple Leaf and Ladybugkids for doing so.

    Half way through our hustings I felt that the level and manner of participation from some candidates might be a pretty big clue about where they might fall on this spectrum (after all, I'm voting too) but equally felt that they should be cajoled into participation, which is why I started this thread. If it didn't induce participation, then it would remove any remaining ambiguity.

    Maybe I'd have done myself a favour by keeping quiet, but this is not about self-interest, it's about the future of our association. Thus, I apologise again for the manner in which I provoked the debate, but not for doing do. Again, I'd reiterate that I think our hustings should have been chaired, and should be in future - either by the newly elected chair or a third party - and then it would not have been left to a candidate to make such an intervention.

    Though initially I decided not to respond to those who cast baseless aspersions at me though their responses, I'd like to finish with a some quotes about what others say about me in my professional life:

    "Roderick is very reliable and flexible in his approach to assignments and brings to his work a great sense of diligence but also an intelligence which allows him to identify creative solutions. Most importantly, he sees things through and is very practical as well. He is quite a perfectionist and is never satisified until a job is done to a high standard. Unusually in a technical field, he is also a first-rate communicator and listener." Top qualities: Expert, On Time, Creative

    "He is an excellent team member and has very good technical and business skills. I would have no hesitation in recommending him for this position." Top qualities: Personable, Expert, Creative

    "In my dealings with Roderick at X he was extremely helpful, doing everything in his power to make the project a success and to keep the client happy. He also displayed sound technical and business knowledge. I would not hesitate to work with him again." Top qualities: Personable, Expert, High Integrity

    Roderick and I worked on many significant opportunities across EMEA and I can honestly say that I have never worked with a more knowledgeable and dedicated professional in any field. Roderick is committed, conscientious and dedicated and were it not for his efforts, X would have not achieved the success that they have.

    "Roderick was well respected within X for both his technical skills, and also his approach to the various projects and tasks he was asked to undertake. He could always be relied upon to get a job done, properly."

    Thank you, Roderick

  29. #29

    Join Date
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    West Dorset, UK

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Team Microdot View Post
    I'm almost speechless - almost

    This Q&A has been full of What can you do for GAGB - what have you done for GAGB - what are you going to do for GAGB and how are you going to it and what haven't you done for GAGB and why?

    And the moment someone working on behalf of the GAGB opens their mouth to mention something they've done - they are in the wrong?

    And so I'm left asking myself - how is anyone going to motivate themselves to vote for this - given that I wouldn't vote for it myself! :

    And why shouldn't candidates promote themselves anyway? Isn't this a natural part of EVERY election campaign?
    i was surprised to read such a scrutinised running commentary of what the candidates up for election have or have not done or said on the forum in this section: so publicly too

    I do find it difficult to explain exactly what I mean at times, so please bear with me on this and forgive me if I've not explained my thoughts well.
    Please either private message me or ask if you are un clear of what I mean, I ask myself that question many times as long as you are polite and respectful, I will not be offended

    i have every confidence in Lilian in all she does Lilian is a very kind hearted person and I have grown very fond of her since I've know her
    It takes a lot of diplomacy to be able to deal with tense situations, especially the one she mentions above re the irate farmer.
    I also think it is very important for us as fellow Cachers to know that she is not only active on our behalf but especially informing of us of the positive out come of situations that have resolved like this one.

    From my life experience, the work I used to do (as young as I am at 36 ) and having been a member of various committees over the years, as well of gaining much knowledge and experience, I have come to realise two other things:

    1- There are many Glory Seekers in the world who will shout to the hills of all the great things they will do or have done, just for recognition: Lilian, in my opinion, is definitely NOTone of those people!! (Just for ref, I asked Lilian to post a link to the forum as I could not get it to work at the time)

    2- there are many people that work hard and tirelessly, committed to their role, who do not get any where near enough thanks or recognition for what they do. People just see the end result of things not even thinking what must have gone into making them happen.

    As well as Lilian, there are many I have come to know,and many more I do not know yet, that deserve more than the occasional thanks : more praise and recognition and less criticism for what they do - voluntarily giving their time, commitment and enthusiasm. THANK YOU

    A good committee / team is made up of a variety of people, skills and gifts. Not everyone can do everything, and nor should they. We should encourage each other in life to explore our gifts and be encouraged in them.

    Just because someone is known to be good at one thing, does not mean it should be assumed that they should only play that role. Unless of course they want to

    Some candidates have expressed their knowledge and commitment in a certain area where they have already been making a huge difference, and are happy to continue in that role with the gagb. They should be congratulated in speaking honestly about what they are prepared to continue with, they are not giving false promises, and the roles they are willing to continue in must take up a lot of their spare time

    having been a member of a working party and editor for our local parish magazine for a few years previously, in the small role I played, I know how much time this takes up: if people want to see more or less of something in their magazine, then it's important that they convey this to the right people in the right way and also perhaps send in a contribution to be included

    Well done to all those who have contributed on our behalf to the gagb and caching in general, every person has a part to play no matter how big or small, and we should be thanking them for all their hard work

  30. #30

    Join Date
    May 2008


    Well said
    Would like to add my appreciation to com team members present, past and future.. your commitment to our game/hobby/sport is respected.

  31. #31

    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Church Warsop, Notts


    I don't want to get involved any anything that might be mudslinging, but I think that Sandvika has been unfair with a couple of points.

    1. If someone has the website skills and enthusiasm to lead work on the GAGB website, then if they contribute absolutely nothing else it doesn't matter a great deal. In a way, it's a shame that they have to be a committee member and justify this contribution, as it seems pretty clear that they are essential to the Association.

    2. The same thing with "Seeker"; if the editor feels that he has the skills to produce a high-standard magazine, let's leave him to do that. It's voluntary work, and there are enough committee members that we can people to play to their own strengths rather than getting involved with things that they aren't interested in.

    If someone else is desperate to take over the editor's role or webmaster's role, you'd think that they'd approach the committee, put forward their case, and be appointed (or not).

    Perhaps what you really need is a committee member who doesn't have the practical skills for these roles, but who is prepared to manage the projects so that the appointed technicians can do the necessary work without fear of being ousted on the whim of the electorate.

    My feeling is that *geocass* and Countrymatters shouldn't have to present themselves for election if they are really only interested in these (valuable)projects. However, someone on the committee should be saying that they're prepared to help with such things. For instance, if there aren't enough contributors to fill the next "Seeker", a committee member should be deciding how to get more people involved.

    That reminds me, I have an idea for an article!

  32. #32
    keehotee Guest


    I raised the same issue a few years ago.....why was it essential for the webmaster to be a member of the committee - even to the extent of co-opting them on board.... but was shot down for it. I can't think of any other instance where the people doing the work have to be members of the managing board?

  33. #33

    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    West Dorset, UK

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Happy Humphrey View Post
    I don't want to get involved any anything that might be mudslinging, but I think that Sandvika has been unfair with a couple of points.

    1. If someone has the website skills and enthusiasm to lead work on the GAGB website, then if they contribute absolutely nothing else it doesn't matter a great deal. In a way, it's a shame that they have to be a committee member and justify this contribution, as it seems pretty clear that they are essential to the Association.

    2. The same thing with "Seeker"; if the editor feels that he has the skills to produce a high-standard magazine, let's leave him to do that. It's voluntary work, and there are enough committee members that we can people to play to their own strengths rather than getting involved with things that they aren't interested in.

    If someone else is desperate to take over the editor's role or webmaster's role, you'd think that they'd approach the committee, put forward their case, and be appointed (or not).

    Perhaps what you really need is a committee member who doesn't have the practical skills for these roles, but who is prepared to manage the projects so that the appointed technicians can do the necessary work without fear of being ousted on the whim of the electorate.

    My feeling is that *geocass* and Countrymatters shouldn't have to present themselves for election if they are really only interested in these (valuable)projects. However, someone on the committee should be saying that they're prepared to help with such things. For instance, if there aren't enough contributors to fill the next "Seeker", a committee member should be deciding how to get more people involved.

    That reminds me, I have an idea for an article!
    I totally agree and could not have put it better myself: these 2 jobs are essential I feel and are time consuming - well done to you both fir all the hard work and time you have out in to what you have been doing I can't see anywhere on these threads that anyone else seems desperate to fill these two valuable roles.

    I also feel it would be a great idea for these to be co-opted onto the committee, we do just that sort of thing on the Parochial Church Council that I have been an officer on for a few years now.

    The main benefit of this being it frees up two more valuable places on the committee for other members to contribute their input and gifts / skills.

    I understand it is likely too late in the day to change this now as most committees have to give 21 days notice to hold an Extra ordinary AGM.
    However, is it possible for you to co-opt two extra members on to the committee instead eg after all the spaces are filled, could you take the next 2 candidates with the most votes and co-opt them on for now and bear this in mind fir next time?

  34. #34

    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    West Dorset, UK

    Smile Getting our Geokids involved: Seeker Magazine Articles

    Seeker magazine Articles
    It would be great to have a spot in the site, if not there already as I have not looked, to ask people to contribute articles for the following month giving them a deadline date for submission?
    Either You or readers could come up with a theme to help people along eg for Octobers Competition of the following podcast show, it was baed on 'What is your favourite cache that you own?' This months UK Geocaching podcast show, they requested input from listeners on caching abroad and wanted to hear from Geokids. My children were going to do a Skype chat on this but it was somehow missed. So maybe you can here it next month??

    Our children: Horsey Mad Girl 12 & Geo Oly would love to send you in an article of our Geocaching holiday this summer where we travelled to stay with my sister in Germany for two and a half weeks having heard of manyof our adventures, our nieces soon were excited to join us, then my sister and bro in law couldn't help themselves: this is when it got really competitive between us all - 4 children and 4 adults lol

    . We did lots of caching there with some great earth caches, we completed the C:MOLL. Route of 56 Puzzle caches, meeting a German cacher en route doing it on his bike, we took a spontaneous trip to Denmark to get some caches and visit Lego land and got some fun traditional and virtual caches too we also collected some beautiful souvenirs for caching in different parts if Germany too

    They really enjoyed our caching adventures, especially our own personal challenge of getting at least 1 cache in each of the 5 countries we travelled in on our way home in ONE DAY Starting from Germany through holland, Belgium, France and finally the UK finishing with the cache 'Welcome to Wareham' where we wrote a record of the caches we found that completed our Challenge . we completed it

    If the person we need to send this too, if you are interested in 'them' doing this article, which is from 'their' perspective: I always find it interesting reading their logs of a cache, from their point of view, sometimes reading: yeah, we got this before Daddy for a change

    please can the relevant person private message me if you would like them to do this article with you for the Seeker magazine? We can provide photos too
    Sorry this ended up much longer than I thought it would be

  35. #35

    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by sandvika View Post

    There's an old joke about The English Breakfast: the hen was merely involved, whereas the pig was committed. I think anyone who has served on a committee or been closely associated with one will relate to this joke. There are those who provide the driving force, some who may be along for the ride, and others who are semi-detached. I'd like this election to be about choosing eight pigs and no hens - that's got be be best for our association!


    Thank you, Roderick
    Having served on a number of committees over many years, I'm afraid I have to disagree. We need a mixture of chickens and pigs otherwise the job will be only half done.

    To use your own analogy - an English Breakfast has always, in my belief, consisted of bacon and eggs - without the chicken's involvement, half of it would be missing.
    GAGB Member since 2009
    UK Mega West Mids Committee - Treasurer 2011 - 2013
    GAGB Committee - Treasurer 2016 -

  36. #36

    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Another thought - I bet the pig didn't volunteer to be committed to the breakfast!

    No, as said before we need a mixture of all types of people with different skills to form a good effective committee.
    GAGB Member since 2009
    UK Mega West Mids Committee - Treasurer 2011 - 2013
    GAGB Committee - Treasurer 2016 -

  37. #37


    Having browsed the GAGB forums occasionally over the past few years I recently joined with the idea of getting more involved. However, after reading through this and some other posts I'm not so sure it's something I want to be involved or associated with... Perhaps I'll check in again in another 12 months and see if the atmosphere has improved
    Play nice people!

  38. #38

    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    newcastle upon tyne (cullercoats)


    Quote Originally Posted by Hartshorns View Post
    Having browsed the GAGB forums occasionally over the past few years I recently joined with the idea of getting more involved. However, after reading through this and some other posts I'm not so sure it's something I want to be involved or associated with... Perhaps I'll check in again in another 12 months and see if the atmosphere has improved
    Play nice people!
    Don't give up yet the new committee is in place so hopefully great things on the horizon.. and we need geocachers like you to to give a new set of opinions ..

  39. #39

    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Anywhere the mood takes us


    I have to admit that I am getting a little fed up with all this 'New Committee' & 'Great things in the future' stuff, The 'New Committee' consists of almost 50% of the old committee, so what does everybody think that those of us who decided to not stand again did in the last couple of years? I stood down some months ago but I have still done a lot of work in the background for the GAGB and it really peeves me when I keep reading these kind of comments and now I can't wait to hand over what I am doing to somebody new. I was even on the verge of offering to carry on doing one task which I have the software to do but now I am thinking 'Why bother' when it appears that there are people out there who think myself and others just sat there and did nothing worth talking about.

  40. #40

    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Porthcawl S Wales


    Richard - you will be missed.
    As you say you have continued to work hard behind the scenes and I would like to publicly thank you as I am sure other members of the Committee would agree.
    xxxxx and a GREAT BIG WELSH CWTCH

  41. #41

    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    The Mendips, Somerset



    Even though you stood down from the committee some time ago - it didn't feel like it. We still relied on you for a lot of the behind the scenes happenings i.e. treasurer, webmaster, new user registrations and you have a lot of background GAGB knowledge that I am sure we will be calling on occasionally.

    As with any change in the committee, there are always new ideas and enthusiasm, however, there also things that the previous committee started that need to be completed. We had our first committee meeting last night, so will be in contact with you shortly to relieve you of some the jobs you are still doing. Thanks

    Also, an opportunity for me to say thanks to other members of the 2011/2012 committee that I worked with. Paul (Palujia) and Colin (Wobbly Club) who didn’t stand again in the elections and to Tony (Mongoose39uk) who resigned a few months ago.
    GAGB member since 2005
    GAGB Committee member 2010 to 2016 (Chair 2012 to 2015)
    UK Mega Event Chairman 2009 (Weston-super-Mare)

  42. #42

    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    The Mendips, Somerset


    Whoops ... double post.
    GAGB member since 2005
    GAGB Committee member 2010 to 2016 (Chair 2012 to 2015)
    UK Mega Event Chairman 2009 (Weston-super-Mare)

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