How would candidates try to spread the word and raise the profile of the GAGB particularly with the growth in numbers through the use of phone apps /GPSs?
How would candidates try to spread the word and raise the profile of the GAGB particularly with the growth in numbers through the use of phone apps /GPSs?
Last edited by Maple Leaf; 17th November 2013 at 10:20 PM. Reason: Expanded title
The GAGB has a good profile already however I think this could be improved with regular contact with cachers via the county and specific interest Facebook groups (extreme geocachers, church micros etc.) This would have to be done with the permission of the admins of each group but I'm sure they would be happy to support the GAGB. I also think that although the GAGB is always well represented at Mega events we could have more of a presence at local events. I know we all have busy lives and can't get to all of them but just wearing a badge introducing ourselves at events that we are attending anyway would raise our profile especially if it's an event out of your usual caching area.
Getting to the users of phone apps /GPSs is potentially the most difficult promotional requirement that GAGB has to deal with. We could have to revert to traditional paper form promotional material to get to the owners of GPSs but this would require the agreement of the sales outlets of the equipment.
I would work with the other committee members and the general membership of GAGB to get the GAGB leaflet into as many retail outlets as possible for distribution with new GPSs and for general distribution to promote Geocaching. For the online retailers I would work to put the electronic version of the GAGB leaflet out via their websites. To arrange this may take time and discussion with retailers but could be done with benefit for both GAGB and the retailer.
A similar contact with the providers/writers of the phone apps could also be a good way to promote GAGB. Currently I have not seen any links to GAGB on the websites of those organizations who provide phone apps, I think it would be a benefit to GAGB to try to negotiate space on their websites for GAGB information.
I also mentioned the need to improve the links with other regional and county based Geocaching groups in my CV as they would be also be a good way to get that extra promotion of GAGB to the owners of phone apps / GPSs who are their members and not already GAGB members.
Last edited by Poole_Man; 15th November 2013 at 10:56 PM. Reason: Corrected a spelling mistake
I don't think any manufacturer should be given 'special case' status. We need to consider the level of benefit GAGB would be able to obtain from working with a particular manufacturer.
A well known brand of GPSRs may offer the advantage of reaching more new and existing Geocachers but might have much stricter rules before it would be willing to work with GAGB. Their marketing rules may make them incompatible with the Geocaching community and GAGB.
A small independent manufacturer may be willing to work with GAGB in return for some sort of promotion of their products which if done carefully should be of benefit to GAGB and its members. This could be in the format of discounts etc similar to those provided by some companies to GAGB members already.
Any manufacturer that GAGB works with would have to commit to support the 'Geocachers Creed' which we all follow and help GAGB promote this along with GAGBs other activities and purposes.
There are lots of great ways we can further promote awareness of GAGB.
1- A link on our cache pages.
I think the one with the biggest impact would be for us to add a link to all our cache pages as I have done from the start.
The link I have used creates a banner, when clicked on, it takes you straight to the GAGB Website:
2- Links on Willing Networking GC Groups.
For GC groups who are willing, they could add a link and brief description of GAGB, saying they support it, in the description of their group or if they prefer not to, they could add the info in a File on the group page.
3- Geocaching Podcasts
Members of GAGB have talked about GAGB on podcasts previously.
How about consulting those who do GC Podcasts and discuss a GAGB Committee member doing a regular slot?
This could cover different subjects each time and perhaps GAGB could work with Podcast producers to post questions on their Group networking pages in advance to get feedback for the show?
4- UK Cachemag
Maybe GAGB could consider doing the same as above but for the magazine.
It would be great to hear how GAGB are doing, how they work in different areas to raise awareness of what GAGB do.
5- At Events
I know there is a lot of info on GAGB Website, maybe there could be an A4 / A5 sheet that event hosts could print off as hand outs at their events if they wish.
Event Holders could add a link and brief description to event pages about GAGB
6- Word of mouth
Put info about GAGB on our own networking pages for those who are happy to.
Bring up in topic if conversation when meeting others to discuss different aspects of what GAGB do.
7- When speaking to land owners about placing caches or people we meet whilst caching, if it is appropriate, cachers could mention that GAGB is on hand to answer questions, give advice etc.
I did this when I hosted both CITOs and printed off some info on land owners agreement, placing caches, on CITOs and contact details for GAGB amongst other useful bits.
Although I was only doing a CITO, they appreciated information and they were interested in speaking to other organisations and friends of theirs about GAGB
8- Using GAGB Cache Stockers and logbooks.
These are just some of the ways I feel would be useful and easy to implement in promoting GAGB and what they do
I am also happy to help with any of these ideas and feel it is important to spread the word of who GAGB is and what they do
Please forgive me for any typos. I try to explain things the best way I can, but it doesn't always come out right
"Defeat may test you; It need not stop you. If at first you don't succeed, try another way. For every obstacle, there is a solution. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistance. The greatest mistake is giving up."
Author Unknown :socool:
For consistency (and after discussion with both the candidates) the user/display names have been amended for Fudgeman & Poole_Man (to show their caching names rather than their own names)
To avoid confusion with quoted replies:
Fudgeman (previously displayed as Andy Packer)
Poole_Man (previously displayed as Paul Weaver)
GAGB member since 2005
GAGB Committee member 2010 to 2016 (Chair 2012 to 2015)
UK Mega Event Chairman 2009 (Weston-super-Mare)
In short - social media, presence at events, and signatures in logs.
To explain my 'short answer'... Important information that is relevant to the UK geocachers should be spread more widely such as the space souvenir a few weeks ago and a link to the Radio 4 piece on this years Halloween Mega. Not everyone reads the newsletters and the seeker magazines and yet sometimes it's useful info - reminders and notifications on upcoming issues and events, and so on. The 2013 Mega team linked the Twitter and Facebook feeds to notify all followers of upcoming news and events, perhaps as the GAGB, we could promote ourselves more by doing the same?
We could do more at events, small, medium, as well as large. The GAGB do have a stand at the annual Mega events (and were at geolympix 2012) but I think we can ask COs for certain events if they'd be happy for us to attend and add value in some way - this will also help to spread the word about the GAGB. More active involvement in CITOs would also help with this.
I also feel that we should promote the GAGB more on our logs and cache pages. Not just a GAGB logo, we can distribute subtle but effective active banners to include within our logs and pages, along with promoting the GAGB stickers for our cache containers.
The GAGB forum is currently available on our phones with Tapatalk available for free on Android, iOS(Apple) and Windows phones. I wonder how many geocacher are aware of this. However, we need to be careful - let's think about use. If I am out in the 'field', why would I want to access the GAGB forums? We need to think about the forum structure to help provide quick access to relevant forums through mobile devices.
I'm not that technical minded really, and of the few apps I do use I tend to detest the adverts that pop up and annoy me, so I'd hate to contribute to that.
So I'd rather go for promotion at the cache rather than at the app. We already have the cache labels, and we were looking at expanding the range recently. I'd also like to produce a robust cache info sheet (in various sizes) with the standard info on caching on one side and some GAGB info on the other.
As others have said, events... We had a great success with the GAGB:10 events, perhaps we can have another GAGB weekend in the summer too. Plus the stand at the megas, which are a great opportunity to reach big numbers of cachers.
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better. - Samuel Beckett
I think COWG has pretty much hit the nail on the head, although I would add, and specifically with the opening question in mind, a simple QR code can be added to cache containers, log sheets, listing pages etc which will point smart phone users to the main website. It might even convert a few munzee players too
For many people a QR code wouldn't be simple and they wouldn't understand what it was. Also space on a cache label or log is often limited due to the cache size and we have to be extremely careful that any labels or logs are accessible for all to read. A QR code printed too small wouldn't be readable by all phones.
And once we get too much text and graphics etc on a cache label it will become difficult for humans to read as the text will be to small.
Last edited by Poole_Man; 16th November 2013 at 12:45 PM. Reason: Added a thought
Behave Paul, QR codes are everywhere now, most lorries you go past on the motorway have them, they are on tv adverts, not to mention dozens of cache puzzles, I think you are massively underestimating people's capabilities.
They obviously wouldn't suit a micro but they don't have to be big at all to be scanned. One could easily be incorporated into the attached log sheet, the underside of a lid, lots of places...
I received a letter from Sky today with a QR code 0.6 cm square. Scanned it no problem.
GAGB as the organization representing Geocachers in Great Britain would, in my opinion, need to be extremely careful in making any manufacturer a 'special case'. As a body that claims the right to represent all Geocachers in Great Britain GAGB has to ensure that it properly considers all proposals that may come its way from any source not just the dominant manufacturer.
I think any proposal to work together, jointly promote caches, promote competitions etc from any manufacturer should be given special consideration at a GAGB meeting after consulting members. GAGB should try to develop a way to work with the bigger manufacturers but not in such a way to harm the development of products from the smaller companies.
Market dominance is not always good, we need to be sure not to restrict developments in our hobby by just supporting the dominant manufacturer with the largest development and marketing budget.
Many major developments in Geocaching have started off in the development workshop in a small company, making a large company a special case could inadvertently mean we restrict the developments we need in our hobby.
Last edited by Poole_Man; 17th November 2013 at 09:23 AM. Reason: Added additional thought missed first time
QR codes are becoming very popular just about every were you look major shops/ company's have them as so much info can be added so great for cache containers, cache cards and web pages, I would love to see a web shop on the gagb site not only selling the cache labels, but pencils, log books ,mugs ect . it brings in a revenue to alow the gagb to do more and it puts our name out there..
I think promoting the GAGB at events and on social media is very important but not everyone has signed up to the Facebook groups or turns up to local events particularly those who have just started out using smartphones. Perhaps it might be worth considering selling cache labels, logbooks and cache fillers with the GAGB logo printed on then cachers may look up the GAGB on the computer or smartphone and find out more about the association?
I would look at getting some GAGB cards done that cachers can leave in each cache they find (that it would fit into)
Also encourage co's to add some GAGB blurb onto listings where applicable.
Perhaps do a GAGB video blog of what has been happening in the least week etc
I could also look give space to GAGB in the magazine I run - but do not want to detract from the hard work done with the seeker magazine.
These are certainly lots of brilliant ideas that you've mentioned Adam
"Defeat may test you; It need not stop you. If at first you don't succeed, try another way. For every obstacle, there is a solution. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistance. The greatest mistake is giving up."
Author Unknown :socool:
There have been some 'Cache Notes' with GAGB info available for download since I first updated the site, to it's present layout, from the old green one about 3yrs ago. These are available in a double sided format that can be laminated and placed in the caches as well as the GAGB phone number cards. Things are there if people look for them.
The Committee have already considered my suggestion that we produce a credit card sized romer, with various map scales, and info about GAGB. These could be left in caches, or handed out at events. We just need to action that now.
Isn't it amazing what you don't see, when you don't know what you're looking for?
The past is history; the future is a story yet to be told; write it well.
Wouldn't be hard to simply design and put a download link for members to download and print themselves.
If it has been considered by the committee surely it would have appeared in a set of minutes, last minutes I saw were from the Sept meeting. Have there been any more meetings that have not had minutes posted yet.
Last edited by DrDick&Vick; 27th November 2013 at 05:35 PM.
Ok thanks just wasn't how Terry described it